Man pages for EBcoexpress
EBcoexpress for Differential Co-Expression Analysis

ebCoexpressMetaA function for DC meta-analysis that combines individual...
ebCoexpressSeriesFunctions to run single-study analyses
fiftyGenesThe fiftyGenes expression matrix
initializeHPInitializing Hyperparameters for EM
makeMyDA function to convert the X expression matrix into the D...
priorDiagnosticVisual diagnostic for the EBcoexpress prior
rankMyGenesA function to rank the genes by the number of DC pairs in...
showNetworkA function for looking at the co-expression among a small...
showPairA function for looking at a pair's differential co-expression
utilitiesBasic utilities for the EBcoexpress package
EBcoexpress documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:47 p.m.