Man pages for EWCE
Expression Weighted Celltype Enrichment to results to merging list
bootstrap.enrichment.testBootstrap celltype enrichment test
celltype_dataSubset of genes from Linnarsson lab's cortex single cell...
ewce_expression_dataBootstrap celltype enrichment test for transcriptome data
ewce.plotPlot EWCE results
example_genelistExample Gene list
generate.bootstrap.plotsGenerate bootstrap plots
merged_ewceMultiple EWCE results from multiple studies
mouse_to_human_homologsTable of Human->Mouse orthologs for all human genes
read_celltype_dataRead single cell transcriptome data
tt_alzhExample table of differential expression (Alzheimer's BA46)
tt_alzh_BA36Example table of differential expression (Alzheimer's BA36)
tt_alzh_BA44Example table of differential expression (Alzheimer's BA44)
EWCE documentation built on May 31, 2017, 3:16 p.m.