Man pages for EnMCB
Predicting Disease Progression Based on Methylation Correlated Blocks using Ensemble Models

create_democreate demo matrix
demo_dataExpression matrix of demo dataset.
demo_MCBinformationMCB information.
demo_survival_dataSurvival data of demo dataset.
draw_survival_curvedraw survival curve
ensemble_modelTrainging stacking ensemble model for Methylation Correlation...
ensemble_predictionfitting function using stacking ensemble model for...
fast_roc_calculationFast calculation of AUC for ROC using parallel strategy
IdentifyMCBIdentification of methylation correlated blocks
metricMCBCalculation of the metric matrix for Methylation Correlation...
metricMCB.cvCalculation of model AUC for Methylation Correlation Blocks...
pre_process_methylationPreprocess the Beta value matrix
univ_coxphBatch test for variables using coxph
EnMCB documentation built on Dec. 22, 2020, 2 a.m.