Man pages for IdMappingRetrieval
ID Mapping Data Retrieval

addServices.ServiceManagerAdd services to the ServiceManager object
AnnotationThe Annotation class
AnnotationAffxThe AnnotationAffx class
AnnotationEnsemblThe AnnotationEnsembl class
AnnotationEnsemblCsvThe AnnotationEnsemblCsv class
AnnotationEnvisionThe AnnotationEnvision class
AnnotationNetAffxThe AnnotationNetAffx class
as.IdMapPerform the transformation of the UniquePairs object into the...
as.UniquePairsCreate a UniquePairs object by converting a single IdMap or a...
filesExist.AnnotationNetAffxCheck if the AnnotationNetAffx contains the reference to an...
Generic.RooGeneric R.00 object methods
getColumns.AnnotationExtract ID match pairs from the data frame obtained from the...
getColumns.AnnotationAffxExtract ID match pairs from the data frame obtained from the...
getColumns.AnnotationEnsemblExtract ID match pairs from the data frame obtained from the...
getColumns.AnnotationEnsemblCsvExtract ID match pairs from the data frame obtained from the...
getColumns.AnnotationEnvisionExtract ID match pairs from the data frame obtained from the...
getDataFrame.AnnotationGet the entire data set available from a particular service...
getDataFrameList.ServiceManagerCollect raw data data from various online query systems...
getFolderName.AnnotationGet caching folder name for a given Annotation object
getIdMap.AnnotationGet an IdMap object using the data retrieved by a particular...
getIdMapList.ServiceManagerCollect ID mapping data from various online query systems...
getServiceRoot.AnnotationGet a root directory for a particular annotation object
getServices.ServiceManagerGet list of annotation services encapsulated within the...
IdMappingAnnotationData.rootAnnotation data root directory
IdMappingRetrieval-packageId Mapping Retrieval.
readDF.AnnotationRetrieve the annotation data frame from the service data...
readDF.AnnotationAffxRetrieve the annotation data frame from the service data...
readDF.AnnotationEnsemblRetrieve the annotation data frame from the Ensembl online...
readDF.AnnotationEnsemblCsvRetrieve the annotation data frame from the Ensembl csv query...
readDF.AnnotationEnvisionRetrieve the annotation data frame using Envision online...
readDF.AnnotationNetAffxRetrieve the annotation data frame from the service data...
ServiceManagerThe ServiceManager class
setOptions.AnnotationSet the parameters for an annotation object
setServices.ServiceManagerSet the list of services for a ServiceManager object
subsetByColumnExtract subset of rows from a data frame or a list of data...
swapKeysSwap the primary and secondary key columns
IdMappingRetrieval documentation built on Oct. 31, 2019, 8:08 a.m.