Man pages for M3D
Identifies differentially methylated regions across testing groups

CpGsDemoToy data for the package - 1000 CpG regions to be tested in a...
determineGroupCompsCreates strings of sample pair comparisons
findCompsFinds columns in the M3D test-statistic matrix
M3D-packageNon-parametric statistical testing
M3D_SingleComputes the components of the M3D test-statistic over one...
M3D_WrapperComputes the components of the M3D test-statistic over all...
M3D_Wrapper_liteComputes the components of the M3D test-statistic over all...
median_freqFinds the median
medianFreqFinds the median
MMDlistDemoToy data for the package - the output of the M3D_Wrapper...
PDemoToy data for the package - the output of the pvals function.
plotCoverageSampleProfilesPlots coverage profiles over a specific region
plotMethProfilePlots methylation profiles over a specific region
plotMethSampleProfilesPlots methylation profiles over a specific region
pvalsComputes p-values
pvals_liteComputes p-values
readBedFilesReads in bed file to make RRBS data
readBedRawReads in RRBS data in raw format to be processed later
rrbsDemoToy data for the package - methylation data for cytosines...
test_colData_structureTests that the files are specified in a workable order for...
M3D documentation built on April 29, 2020, 5:59 a.m.