combination_index: compute combination index

Description Usage Arguments Value References Examples

View source: R/combination_index.R


This function allows the user to compute combination index on the drug combinations. This function also generates intermediary plots and tables.





object of class MACSQuant resulting of the function load_maxQuant(). Contains the original data table


params for lattice cloud namely z and x for parameter screen default for z and x are c(-110,-70) and argument xlab and ylab


Several plots and combination index


Chou, T. C. (2006). Theoretical basis, experimental design, and computerized simulation of synergism and antagonism in drug combination studies. Pharmacological reviews, 58(3), 621-681.


filepath <- system.file("extdata", "drugs.Rdata",
    package = "MACSQuantifyR")

Example output

`geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'
An object of class "MACSQuant"
Slot "my_data":
# A tibble: 128 x 4
   `Full path`                            WID   `%-#` `Count/mL`
   <chr>                                  <chr> <dbl>      <dbl>
 1 "99ko plate 1 unst.0001\\P1"           A2    89.2     878032.
 2 "99ko plate 1 unst.0001\\P1\\P2\\DAPI" A2     1.15      8893.
 3 "99ko plate 1.0004\\P1"                E1    91.0     510978.
 4 "99ko plate 1.0004\\P1\\P2\\DAPI"      E1    34.2     144757.
 5 "99ko plate 1.0005\\P1"                F1    89.6     464565.
 6 "99ko plate 1.0005\\P1\\P2\\DAPI"      F1    34.4     127844.
 7 "99ko plate 1.0006\\P1"                G1    74.4      87400 
 8 "99ko plate 1.0006\\P1\\P2\\DAPI"      G1    37.4      25400 
 9 "99ko plate 1.0007\\P1"                B2    85.6     482630.
10 "99ko plate 1.0007\\P1\\P2\\DAPI"      B2    23.6      94017.
# … with 118 more rows

Slot "my_data_sorted":
# A tibble: 120 x 4
   `Full path`                       WID   `%-#` `Count/mL`
   <chr>                             <chr> <dbl>      <dbl>
 1 "99ko plate 1.0013\\P1"           B3     87.3    657284.
 2 "99ko plate 1.0013\\P1\\P2\\DAPI" B3     24.9    130464.
 3 "99ko plate 1.0014\\P1"           C3     85.6    510888.
 4 "99ko plate 1.0014\\P1\\P2\\DAPI" C3     24.3     99698.
 5 "99ko plate 1.0015\\P1"           D3     84.7    505841.
 6 "99ko plate 1.0015\\P1\\P2\\DAPI" D3     24.7     99221.
 7 "99ko plate 1.0021\\P1"           D4     88.9    616191.
 8 "99ko plate 1.0021\\P1\\P2\\DAPI" D4     26.7    128201.
 9 "99ko plate 1.0020\\P1"           C4     89.1    630008.
10 "99ko plate 1.0020\\P1\\P2\\DAPI" C4     25.0    123357.
# … with 110 more rows

Slot "my_replicates_sorted":
      [,1]  [,2]  [,3] 
 [1,] "B3"  "C3"  "D3" 
 [2,] "D4"  "C4"  "B4" 
 [3,] "B5"  "C5"  "D5" 
 [4,] "D6"  "C6"  "B6" 
 [5,] "B7"  "C7"  "D7" 
 [6,] "D8"  "C8"  "B8" 
 [7,] "B9"  "C9"  "D9" 
 [8,] "E1"  "F1"  "G1" 
 [9,] "G2"  "F2"  "E2" 
[10,] "E3"  "F3"  "G3" 
[11,] "G4"  "F4"  "E4" 
[12,] "E5"  "F5"  "G5" 
[13,] "G6"  "F6"  "E6" 
[14,] "E7"  "F7"  "G7" 
[15,] "G8"  "F8"  "E8" 
[16,] "E9"  "F9"  "G9" 
[17,] "G10" "F10" "E10"
[18,] "E11" "F11" "G11"
[19,] "G12" "F12" "E12"
[20,] "D10" "C10" "B10"

Slot "experiment_name":
[1] "Combo drug1-drug2 HC line 101"

Slot "statistics":
     Full.path.first WID.first Fluo.percent.minus
1  99ko plate 1.0013        B3         0.2462000        0.753800000
2  99ko plate 1.0021        D4         0.2551333        0.744866667
3  99ko plate 1.0025        B5         0.3314667        0.668533333
4  99ko plate 1.0033        D6         0.7760333        0.223966667
5  99ko plate 1.0037        B7         0.3551667        0.644833333
6  99ko plate 1.0045        D8         0.3786000        0.621400000
7  99ko plate 1.0049        B9         0.3815000        0.618500000
8  99ko plate 1.0004        E1         0.3534333        0.646566667
9  99ko plate 1.0012        G2         0.6734333        0.326566667
10 99ko plate 1.0016        E3         0.8816333        0.118366667
11 99ko plate 1.0024        G4         0.9814333        0.018566667
12 99ko plate 1.0028        E5         0.3957333        0.604266667
13 99ko plate 1.0036        G6         0.7300333        0.269966667
14 99ko plate 1.0040        E7         0.9215667        0.078433333
15 99ko plate 1.0048        G8         0.9903667        0.009633333
16 99ko plate 1.0052        E9         0.4776667        0.522333333
17 99ko plate 1.0060       G10         0.7890333        0.210966667
18 99ko plate 1.0064       E11         0.9503000        0.049700000
19 99ko plate 1.0069       G12         0.9913333        0.008666667
20 99ko plate 1.0063       D10         0.9993000        0.000700000
     sd_percent Cell.count.minus    sd_count
1  0.0026229754       448209.740  68116.3192
2  0.0101962411       497333.267   9330.2382
3  0.0062171805       501780.027  18721.3278
4  0.0043247351       129869.363   5227.2472
5  0.0281894188       326411.763  35176.7929
6  0.0200920382       308638.050  24277.3684
7  0.0151565168       304014.930  16363.7384
8  0.0181731487       254980.660 167775.7546
9  0.0522871240       139098.410  96569.6019
10 0.0150387278        58429.607  32069.2551
11 0.0075639496        12433.970   8660.4721
12 0.0460228566       201109.040 167105.5841
13 0.0650526966       128413.763 108761.1608
14 0.0264942132         3934.470   2358.0845
15 0.0060335175         5386.383   8471.7742
16 0.0766065489        98992.863 149545.3756
17 0.0795396966        59399.013  94953.8684
18 0.0340048526        21850.097  35648.1022
19 0.0043131582         4183.147   6763.1225
20 0.0005567764         2627.213    173.1322

Slot "combination.index.df":
   doses1_c doses2_c      fa_c         CI doses1_c_norm doses2_c_norm
1         1       10 0.3534333 0.35126455    0.35124491  1.964114e-05
2         3       10 0.6734333 0.25224413    0.25223943  4.701630e-06
3         5       10 0.8816333 0.10546105    0.10545987  1.179435e-06
4        10       10 0.9814333 0.02556716    0.02556701  1.429673e-07
5         1       50 0.3957333 0.28921697    0.28913612  8.084052e-05
6         3       50 0.7300333 0.18840941    0.18839185  1.755770e-05
7         5       50 0.9215667 0.06455628    0.06455267  3.609699e-06
8        10       50 0.9903667 0.01249138    0.01249103  3.492407e-07
9         1      100 0.4776667 0.20193171    0.20181885  1.128544e-04
10        3      100 0.7890333 0.13288494    0.13286017  2.476454e-05
11        5      100 0.9503000 0.03821565    0.03821138  4.273458e-06
12       10      100 0.9913333 0.01113562    0.01113500  6.226540e-07
          DX1          DX2              Decision   Color Condition
1  0.35124491 1.964114e-05             Synergism  orange         8
2  0.25223943 4.701630e-06      Strong Synergism     red         9
3  0.10545987 1.179435e-06      Strong Synergism     red        10
4  0.02556701 1.429673e-07 Very Strong Synergism darkred        11
5  0.28913612 8.084052e-05      Strong Synergism     red        12
6  0.18839185 1.755770e-05      Strong Synergism     red        13
7  0.06455267 3.609699e-06 Very Strong Synergism darkred        14
8  0.01249103 3.492407e-07 Very Strong Synergism darkred        15
9  0.20181885 1.128544e-04      Strong Synergism     red        16
10 0.13286017 2.476454e-05      Strong Synergism     red        17
11 0.03821138 4.273458e-06 Very Strong Synergism darkred        18
12 0.01113500 6.226540e-07 Very Strong Synergism darkred        19

Slot "param.experiment":
[1] 3

[1] 19

 [1]  1  3  5 10  0  0  0  1  3  5 10  1  3  5 10  1  3  5 10

 [1]   0   0   0   0  10  50 100  10  10  10  10  50  50  50  50 100 100 100 100

 [1] "Drug1_c1"    "Drug1_c2"    "Drug1_c3"    "Drug1_c4"    "Drug2_c1"   
 [6] "Drug2_c2"    "Drug2_c3"    "D2[1]_D1[1]" "D2[1]_D1[2]" "D2[1]_D1[3]"
[11] "D2[1]_D1[4]" "D2[2]_D1[1]" "D2[2]_D1[2]" "D2[2]_D1[3]" "D2[2]_D1[4]"
[16] "D2[3]_D1[1]" "D2[3]_D1[2]" "D2[3]_D1[3]" "D2[3]_D1[4]"

[1] TRUE

Slot "param.output":

 [1] "Drug1_c1"    "Drug1_c2"    "Drug1_c3"    "Drug1_c4"    "Drug2_c1"   
 [6] "Drug2_c2"    "Drug2_c3"    "D2[1]_D1[1]" "D2[1]_D1[2]" "D2[1]_D1[3]"
[11] "D2[1]_D1[4]" "D2[2]_D1[1]" "D2[2]_D1[2]" "D2[2]_D1[3]" "D2[2]_D1[4]"
[16] "D2[3]_D1[1]" "D2[3]_D1[2]" "D2[3]_D1[3]" "D2[3]_D1[4]" "Control"    


[1] "."

 [1] "#FF0000FF" "#FF1200FF" "#FF2400FF" "#FF3700FF" "#FF4900FF" "#FF5B00FF"
 [7] "#FF6D00FF" "#FF8000FF" "#FF9200FF" "#FFA400FF" "#FFB600FF" "#FFC800FF"
[13] "#FFDB00FF" "#FFED00FF" "#FFFF00FF" "#FFFF20FF" "#FFFF60FF" "#FFFF9FFF"
[19] "#FFFFDFFF" "1"        

Warning messages:
1: Use of `dose_rep_df$dataset` is discouraged. Use `dataset` instead. 
2: Use of `dose_rep_df$dataset` is discouraged. Use `dataset` instead. 
3: Use of `dose_rep_df$dataset` is discouraged. Use `dataset` instead. 
4: Use of `CI_df$Decision` is discouraged. Use `Decision` instead. 

MACSQuantifyR documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:08 p.m.