Man pages for MBQN
Mean/Median-balanced quantile normalization

example_NApatternMissing value pattern dataset
getKminmaxGet the k largest/smallest elements
getPvalueCalculates Pitman-Morgan variance test on two matrices
getPXDfileDownload data from PRIDE
mbqnMean/Median-balanced quantile normalization
mbqnBoxplotCombined box plot and line plot
mbqnGetIntersectHelper function for mbqnGetThreshold
mbqnGetNRIfeaturesIdentify rank invariant (RI) and nearly rank invariant (NRI)...
mbqnGetThresholdCalculates the rank invariance threshold from which on MBQN...
mbqnLoadFileLoad and preprocess LFQ intensities
mbqnNRISelective mean/median-balanced quantile normalization
mbqnPlotAllPlot RI/NRI feature frequencies and normalized/unnormalized...
mbqnPlotRIPlot frequency of detected RI/NRI features
mbqnSimuDataGenerate a random/structured data matrix
mbqnSimuDistortionPerturbation of sample mean and scale
oneSidedTestRecalulate p value from two-sided to one-sided
truncateDecimalsTruncate float to defined number of decimal values
MBQN documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:13 p.m.