Man pages for MSstatsSampleSize
Simulation tool for optimal design of high-dimensional MS-based proteomics experiment

classification_resultsExample of output from designSampleSizeClassification...
designSampleSizeClassificationEstimate the mean predictive accuracy and mean protein...
designSampleSizeClassificationPlotsVisualization for sample size calculation in classification
designSampleSizeHypothesisTestingPlotSample size calculation plot for hypothesis testing
designSampleSizePCAplotPCA plot for each simulation
dot-classificationFor each simulated dataset, calculate predictive accuracy on...
dot-classificationModelFit a classification model
dot-classificationPerformanceFor each simulated dataset, calculate predictive accuracy on...
dot-logGenerationCreate log file
dot-randomImputationFor each protein, impute the missing values based on the...
dot-sampleSimulationSimulate extended datasets for sample size estimation
estimateVarEstimate the mean abundance and variance of each protein in...
meanSDplotMean-SD plot
MSstatsSampleSizeMSstatsSampleSize: A package for optimal design of...
OV_SRM_trainThe training set from a study for subjects with ovarian...
OV_SRM_train_annotationAnnotation file for 'OV_SRM_train',
simulateDatasetSimulate datasets with the given number of biological...
simulated_datasetsExample of output from simulateDataset function
variance_estimationExample of output from estimateVar function
MSstatsSampleSize documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 4:53 p.m.