Man pages for Metab
Metab: An R Package for a High-Throughput Analysis of Metabolomics Data Generated by GC-MS.

buildLibbuildLib converts an AMDIS' library into a CSV file in the...
exampleAMDISReportAMDIS report.
exampleBiomassAn example of the biomass data frame to be used in...
exampleHtestAn example of the results obtained using the function htest.
exampleIonLibAn example of the ionLib required by Metab.
exampleMetReportAn example of the results obtained using the function...
exampleMSLfileAn example of MSL file of an AMDIS library.
htestFunction developed to apply t-test or ANOVA on a data frame.
Metab-packageMetab processes metabolomics data previously analyzed by the...
MetReportMetReport cleans and corrects results generated by the...
MetReportNamesMetReportNames cleans results obtained with the Automated...
normalizeByBiomassA function to normalize metabolomics data by the biomass...
normalizeByInternalStandardNormalize metabolomics data sets by a specific metabolite...
removeFalsePositivesremoveFalsePositives is a function to exclude from a data...
Metab documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:36 p.m.