
# stamlab/test.R
# notes:  3 matrices come w/o speciesID, tax = 'vertebrates'.  not our problem to fix, at least not yet.
#         TBP, HNF4A and CEBPA (MA0108.2, MA0114.1, MA0102.2)
library (RUnit)
run.tests = function (dataDir)
  dataDir <- file.path(dataDir, "stamlab")
  x.rawMatrixList <<- test.readRawMatrices (dataDir)
  x.novels <<- test.readNovelStatus (dataDir)
  x.matrices <<- test.extractAndNormalizeMatrices (x.rawMatrixList) <<- test.createMetadataTable (x.matrices, x.novels)
  x.matrices.renamed <<- test.renameMatrices (x.matrices,

} # run.tests
test.readRawMatrices = function (dataDir)
  print ('--- test.readMatrices')
  list.pwms = readRawMatrices (dataDir)
  checkEquals (length (list.pwms), 683)
  checkEquals (names (list.pwms [[1]]), c ("title", "consensus.sequence", "matrix"))
  checkEquals (rownames (list.pwms[[1]]$matrix),  c ("A", "C", "G", "T"))
  invisible (list.pwms)

} # test.readRawMatrices
test.readNovelStatus = function (dataDir)
  print ('--- test.readNovelStatus')
  novel.status = readNovelStatus (dataDir)
  checkEquals (length (novel.status), 683)
  checkEquals (length (which (novel.status == TRUE)), 289)
    # do a spot check around first novel in novels.txt
  checkEquals (as.logical (novel.status [c ('UW.Motif.0010', 'UW.Motif.0011', 'UW.Motif.0012')]),
                             c (FALSE, FALSE, TRUE))
  invisible (novel.status)

} # readNovelStatus
test.extractAndNormalizeMatrices = function (x.rawMatrixList)
  print ('--- test.extractAndNormalizeMatrices')
  matrices.fixed <<- extractAndNormalizeMatrices (x.rawMatrixList)
    # make sure a UW.Motif.0nnn name accompanies each matrix
  checkEquals (length (grep ('UW.Motif.0', names (matrices.fixed))), length (matrices.fixed))
    # make sure all columns in all matrices sum to 1.0
  checkTrue (all (sapply (matrices.fixed, function (m) all (abs (colSums (m) - 1.0) < 1e-10))))
  invisible (matrices.fixed)

} # test.extractAndNormalizeMatrices
test.convertRawMatricesToStandard = function (tbl.rmat)
  print ('--- test.convertRawMatricesToStandard')
   # get just the first two raw matrices

  first.two.ids = head (unique (tbl.rmat$id), n=2)
  rows = nrow (subset (tbl.rmat, id %in% first.two.ids))
  matrices = convertRawMatricesToStandard (tbl.rmat [1:rows,])
  checkEquals (length (matrices), 2)
  checkEquals (names (matrices), first.two.ids)

    # it will not always be true, but IS true for the first two matrices, currently "9229" and  "9231", that there
    # are an equal number of nucleotides at each position.
  checkTrue (all (colSums (matrices [[1]]) == 97))
  checkTrue (all (colSums (matrices [[2]]) == 185))

    # now run all the matrices through
  matrices = convertRawMatricesToStandard (tbl.rmat)
  checkEquals (length (matrices), 459)
  checkEquals (names (matrices)[1:2], first.two.ids)
  invisible (matrices)
} # test.convertRawMatricesToStandard 
test.createAnnotationTable = function ()
  print ('--- test.createAnnotationTable')
  tbl.anno = createAnnotationTable ()
  checkEquals (dim (tbl.anno), c (513, 13))
  expected = c ("fullID", "id", "category", "mID", "version", "binder", "speciesID", "proteinID", "family", "tax", "class", "pubmed", "type")
  checkEquals (colnames (tbl.anno), expected)

  checkEquals (head (tbl.anno$fullID),  c ("MA0001.1", "MA0003.1", "MA0004.1", "MA0005.1", "MA0006.1", "MA0006.1"))
  invisible (tbl.anno)

} # test.createAnnotationTable
test.createMetadataTable = function (x.matrices, x.novels)
   print ('--- test.createMetadataTable')
    # try it first with just two matrices = createMetadataTable (x.matrices [1:12], x.novels [1:12])
   checkEquals (dim (, c (12, 15))
   checkEquals (colnames (, c ("providerName", "providerId", "dataSource", "geneSymbol", "geneId", "geneIdType", 
                                      "proteinId", "proteinIdType", "organism", "sequenceCount", "bindingSequence",
                                      "bindingDomain", "tfFamily", "experimentType", "pubmedID"))
   checkEquals ($providerName [1:2], c ('UW.Motif.0001', 'UW.Motif.0002'))
   checkEquals ($providerId [1:2], c ('UW.Motif.0001', 'UW.Motif.0002'))
   checkEquals ($pubmedID [1:2], c ("22955618", "22955618"))
   checkEquals ($dataSource [1:2], c ('stamlab', 'stamlab'))
   checkEquals ($organism [1:2], c ('Hsapiens', 'Hsapiens'))
   checkEquals ($experimentType [1:2], c ('digital genomic footprinting', 'digital genomic footprinting'))
   checkEquals ($geneId, c (rep ('knownMotif', 11), 'novelMotif'))

   invisible (

} # test.createMetadataTable
test.renameMatrices = function (matrices,
  print("--- test.renameMatrices")
    # try it with just the first two matrices
  matrix.pair = matrices [1:2]
  tbl.pair = [1:2,]
  matrix.pair.renamed = renameMatrices (matrix.pair, tbl.pair)
  checkEquals (names (matrix.pair.renamed), c ("Hsapiens-stamlab-UW.Motif.0001", "Hsapiens-stamlab-UW.Motif.0002"))

} # test.renameMatrices
test.convertTaxonCode = function ()
  print ('--- test.convertTaxonCode')

  checkEquals (convertTaxonCode ('9606'), 'Hsapiens')
  checkEquals (convertTaxonCode (9606), 'Hsapiens')
     # anomalous codes, which an examination of the jaspar website reveals as 'vertebrates'
  checkEquals (convertTaxonCode (NA), 'Vertebrata')
  checkEquals (convertTaxonCode ('NA'), 'Vertebrata')
  checkEquals (convertTaxonCode (NA_character_), 'Vertebrata')
  checkEquals (convertTaxonCode ('-'), 'Vertebrata')

} # test.convertTaxonCode
test.guessProteinIdentifierType = function (moleculeName)
  print ('--- test.guessProteinIdentifierType')
  checkEquals (guessProteinIdentifierType ('P29383'), 'UNIPROT')

  all.types = sapply (x.tbl.anno$proteinID, guessProteinIdentifierType)
  checkTrue (length (which ( (all.types))) < 12)   # got most of them.

} # test.guessProteinIdentifierType
test.normalizeMatrices = function (matrices)
  print ('--- test.normalizeMatrices')

  colsums = as.integer (sapply (matrices, function (mtx) as.integer (mean (round (colSums (mtx))))))
  #checkTrue (all (colsums > 1))

  matrices.norm = normalizeMatrices (matrices)

  colsums = as.integer (sapply (matrices.norm, function (mtx) as.integer (mean (round (colSums (mtx))))))
  checkTrue (all (colsums == 1))

  invisible (matrices.norm)

} # test.normalizeMatrices
test.assignGeneId = function (proteinId)
  print ('--- test.assignGeneId')
  uniprot.ids = c ('Q9GRA5', 'P31314', 'AAC18941', 'O49397')
  refseq.ids  = c ('NP_995315.1', 'NP_032840', 'NP_599022')
  yeast.ids   = c ('YKL112W', 'YMR072W', 'YLR131C')

  checkEquals (assignGeneId ('NP_995315.1'), list (geneId='4782', type='ENTREZ'))
  checkEquals (assignGeneId ('NP_599022'),   list (geneId='6095', type='ENTREZ'))

  checkEquals (assignGeneId ('P31314'),      list (geneId='3195', type='ENTREZ'))

  checkEquals (assignGeneId ('YKL112W'),     list (geneId='YKL112W', type='SGD'))

    # see how successful this is over all 513 proteinIds

  tbl.anno = createAnnotationTable ()
  mtx.geneId = (t (sapply (tbl.anno$proteinID, assignGeneId)))
  tbl.types = (table (as.character (mtx.geneId$type), useNA='always'), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  checkEquals (tbl.types$Var1, c ("ENTREZ", "SGD", NA))
  checkEquals (tbl.types$Freq, c (141, 177, 195))

} # test.assignGeneId
test.parsePwm = function ()
  print ('--- test.parsePwm')
  lines = c ('UW.Motif.0006	aggaaatg',
             '0.890585	0.007855	0.051323	0.050237',
             '0.060732	0.004506	0.894170	0.040593',
             '0.072765	0.037935	0.860704	0.028596',
             '0.929585	0.024037	0.034914	0.011464',
             '0.931220	0.023231	0.029078	0.016471',
             '0.857934	0.044211	0.072594	0.025261',
             '0.065840	0.013777	0.058013	0.862370',
             '0.049937	0.036238	0.861871	0.051953')
  m6 = parsePwm (lines)
  checkEquals (names (m6), c ("title", "consensus.sequence", "matrix"))
  pwm = m6$matrix
  checkEquals (dim (pwm), c (4, 8))
  checkEquals (rownames (pwm), c ('A', 'C', 'G', 'T'))
  invisible (m6)

} # test.parsePwm

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