Man pages for PPInfer
Inferring functionally related proteins using protein interaction networks

enrich.netVisualize network for the functional enrichment analysis
GSEA.barplotVisualize the gene set enrichment analysis
net.inferInferring functionally related proteins using networks
net.infer.STInferring functionally related proteins with self training
net.kernelKernel matrix for a graph
ORAOver-representation Analysis
ORA.barplotVisualize the over-representation analysis
ppi.infer.humanInferring functionally related proteins using protein...
ppi.infer.mouseInferring functionally related proteins using protein...
PPInfer-packageInferring functionally related proteins using protein...
self.train.kernelSelf training for a kernel matrix
PPInfer documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:52 p.m.