API for QuaternaryProd
Computes the Quaternary Dot Product Scoring Statistic for Signed and Unsigned Causal Graphs

Global functions
Pvalue_4by3 Source code
QP_Pmf Man page Source code
QP_Probability Man page Source code
QP_Pvalue Man page Source code
QP_SigPvalue Man page Source code
QP_Support Man page Source code
QuaternaryProd Man page
QuaternaryProd-package Man page
RunCRE_HSAStringDB Man page Source code
SigPvalue_4by3 Source code
check_entities Source code
check_relations Source code
domain_4by3 Source code
getGeneVals Source code
pmf_4by3 Source code
runCRE Source code
user_probability_of_score_4by3 Source code
QuaternaryProd documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:23 p.m.