
Defines functions runCRE RunCRE_HSAStringDB check_entities check_relations getGeneVals

Documented in RunCRE_HSAStringDB

# Get the value of regulation of a trguid from the gene expression
# data (i.e in evidence)
getGeneVals <- function(trguids, gene_expression_data){
  trguids <- as.vector(trguids) 
  val <- rep(0, length(trguids))
  ind <- match(trguids, gene_expression_data[,"uid"])
  ind2 <- na.omit(ind)
  if(length(ind2) > 0){
    val[which(!is.na(ind))] <- gene_expression_data[,"val"][ind2]

# This function checks the validity of the relations data frame
check_relations <- function(relations, entities){
  if(ncol(relations) != 3 | !all(names(relations) == c("srcuid", "trguid", "mode"))){
    stop("Please provide a valid relations data frame containing columns: srcuid, trguid, mode!")
  # Check for NAs in relations
  if (length(which(is.na(relations))) > 0){
    stop("Relations data frame contains rows with NAs!")
  # Check if there are duplicated rows in relations
    stop("Duplicate rows in relations found!")
  # Check if there are duplicate srcuid-trguid relations with different modes
  if(anyDuplicated(relations[,c("srcuid", "trguid")])){
    stop("Duplicate srcuid-trguid relation with different modes found in relations!")
  # Check data types of entities column
  if(!is.integer(relations$srcuid) | !is.integer(relations$trguid) | !is.integer(relations$mode)){
    stop("In relations, all columns must be of type integer!")
  # Make sure all relations are either increases, decreases or regulates
  if(!all(relations$mode %in% c(1, -1, 0))){
    stop("All relations between srcuid and trguid in relations data frame must be either +1, -1 or 2!")
  # Make sure all relation nodes are in entities
  unique.srcuids <- unique(relations$srcuid)
  unique.trguids <- unique(relations$trguid)
  if(!all(unique.trguids %in% entities$uid)){
    stop("All trguids in relations must be present in the uid column of the entities data frame!")
  if(!all(unique.srcuids %in% entities$uid)){
    stop("All srcuids in relations must be present in the uid column of the entities data frame!")

# This function checks the validity of the entities data frame
check_entities <- function(entities){

  if(ncol(entities) != 4 | !all(names(entities) == c("uid", "id", "ensembleid", "symbol"))){
    stop("Please provide a valid entities data frame containing columns: uid, id, ensembleid and symbol!")
  # Check for NAs in entities
  if(length(which(is.na(entities))) > 0){
    stop("Entities data frame contains rows with NAs!")
  # Check if there are duplicated rows in entities
  if(nrow(entities[duplicated(entities),]) > 0){
    stop("Duplicate rows in entities found!")
  # Check if there are duplicated uids in entities
    stop("Please remove duplicated uid in entities data frame!")
  # Check data types of entities column
    stop("In entities, column uid must be of type integer!")
  if(!is.character(entities$id) | !is.character(entities$symbol) | !is.character(entities$ensembleid)){
    stop("In entities, columns id, ensembleid and symbol must be of type character!")


#' This function runs a causal relation engine by computing the Quaternary Dot
#' Product Scoring Statistic, Ternary Dot Product Scoring Statistic or the Enrichment test over the Homo
#' Sapien STRINGdb causal network (version 10 provided under the Creative Commons license: 
#' https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/). Note that the user has the option of specifying other causal networks
#' with this function.
#' @description This function runs a causal relation engine by computing the Quaternary Dot
#'              Product Scoring Statistic, Ternary Dot Product Scoring Statistic or the Enrichment test over the Homo
#'              Sapien STRINGdb causal network (version 10 provided under the Creative Commons license: 
#'              https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/). Note that the user has the option of specifying other causal networks
#'              with this function.
#' @usage RunCRE_HSAStringDB(gene_expression_data, method = "Quaternary", 
#'                     fc.thresh = log2(1.3), pval.thresh = 0.05, 
#'                     only.significant.pvalues = FALSE, 
#'                     significance.level = 0.05,
#'                     epsilon = 1e-16, progressBar = TRUE, 
#'                     relations = NULL, entities = NULL) 
#' @param gene_expression_data A data frame for gene expression data. The \code{gene_expression_data} data frame must have three columns \code{entrez}, 
#'        \code{fc} and \code{pvalue}. \code{entrez} denotes the entrez id of a given gene, \code{fc} denotes
#'        the fold change of a gene, and \code{pvalue} denotes the p-value. The \code{entrez} column must be of type
#'        integer or character, and the \code{fc} and \code{pvalue} columns must be numeric values.
#' @param method Choose one of \code{Quaternary}, \code{Ternary} or \code{Enrichment}. Default is \code{Quaternary}.
#' @param fc.thresh Threshold for fold change in \code{gene_expression_data} data frame. Any row in gene_expression_data with abosolute value of \code{fc}
#'        smaller than \code{fc.thresh} will be ignored. Default value is \code{fc.thresh = log2(1.3)}. 
#' @param pval.thresh Threshold for p-values in \code{gene_expression_data} data frame. All rows in \code{gene_expression_data} with p-values 
#'        greater than \code{pval.thresh} will be ingnored. Default value is \code{pval.thresh = 0.05}. 
#' @param only.significant.pvalues If \code{only.significant.pvalues = TRUE} then only p-values for statistically significant regulators
#'        are computed otherwise uncomputed p-values are set to -1. The default value is \code{only.significant.pvalues = FALSE}.
#' @param significance.level When \code{only.significant.pvalues = TRUE}, only p-values which are less than or equal to 
#'                           \code{significance.level} are computed. The default value is \code{significance.level = 0.05}.
#' @param epsilon Threshold for probabilities of matrices. Default value is \code{threshold = 1e-16}.
#' @param progressBar Progress bar for the percentage of computed p-values for the regulators in the network. Default
#'        value is \code{progressBar = TRUE}. 
#' @param relations A data frame containing pairs of connected entities in a causal network,
#'        and the type of causal relation between them. The data frame must have three columns with column names: \emph{srcuid}, 
#'        \emph{trguid} and \emph{mode} respective of order. \emph{srcuid} stands for source entity, \emph{trguid} stands for 
#'        target entity and \emph{mode} stands for the type of relation between \emph{srcuid} and \emph{trguid}. The relation 
#'        has to be one of \emph{+1} for \emph{upregulation}, \emph{-1} for \emph{downregulation} or \emph{0} for regulation without
#'        specified direction of regulation. All three columns must be of type integer. Default value is \code{relations = NULL}.
#' @param entities A data frame of mappings for all entities present in data frame \emph{relations}. \emph{entities} must contain
#'        four columns: \emph{uid}, \emph{id}, \emph{ensembleid} and \emph{symbol} respective of order. \emph{uid} must be 
#'        of type integer and \emph{id}, \emph{ensembleid} and \emph{symbol} must be of type character. \emph{uid} includes every source and target 
#'        node in the network (i.e \emph{relations}),
#'        \emph{id} is the id of \emph{uid} (e.g entrez id of an mRNA), \emph{ensembleid} is the ensemble id of \emph{id} and \emph{symbol} 
#'        is the symbol of \emph{id}. Default value is \code{entities = NULL}.
#' @return This function returns a data frame containing parameters concerning the method used. The p-values of each
#'         of the regulators is also computed, and the data frame
#'         is in increasing order of p-values of the goodness of fit score for the given regulators. The column
#'         names of the data frame are:
#' \itemize{        
#' \item  \code{uid} The regulator in the causal network.
#' \item \code{symbol} Symbol of the regulator. 
#' \item \code{regulation} Direction of regulation of the regulator.
#' \item \code{correct.pred} Number of correct predictions in \code{gene_expression_data} when compared to predictions made
#'                     by the network.
#' \item \code{incorrect.pred} Number of incorrect predictions in \code{gene_expression_data} when compared to predictions made
#'                     by the network.
#' \item \code{score} The number of correct predictions minus the number of incorrect predictions. 
#' \item \code{total.reachable} Total Number of children of the given regulator.
#' \item \code{significant.reachable} Number of children of the given regulator that are also present 
#'                                    in \code{gene_expression_data}.
#' \item \code{total.ambiguous} Total number of children of the given regulator which are regulated by the given regulator without
#'                              knowing the direction of regulation.
#' \item \code{significant.ambiguous} Total number of children of the given regulator which are regulated by the given regulator without
#'                              knowing the direction of regulation and are also present in \code{gene_expression_data}.  
#' \item \code{unknown} Number of target nodes in the causal network which do not interact with the given regulator.
#' \item \code{pvalue} P-value of the score computed according to the selected method. If \code{only.significant.pvalues = TRUE}
#'                     and the \code{pvalue} of the regulator is greater than \code{significance.level}, then
#'                     the p-value is not computed and is set to a value of -1.
#' }
#' @author Carl Tony Fakhry, Ping Chen and Kourosh Zarringhalam
#' @references Carl Tony Fakhry, Parul Choudhary, Alex Gutteridge, Ben Sidders, Ping Chen, Daniel Ziemek, and
#'             Kourosh Zarringhalam. Interpreting transcriptional changes using causal graphs: new methods and
#'             their practical utility on public networks. BMC Bioinformatics, 17:318, 2016. ISSN 1471-2105.
#'             doi: 10.1186/s12859-016-1181-8.
#'             Franceschini, A (2013). STRING v9.1: protein-protein interaction networks, with increased coverage 
#'             and integration. In:'Nucleic Acids Res. 2013 Jan;41(Database issue):D808-15. doi: 10.1093/nar/gks1094. 
#'             Epub 2012 Nov 29'.
#' @examples 
#' # Get gene expression data
#' e2f3 <- system.file("extdata", "e2f3_sig.txt", package = "QuaternaryProd")
#' e2f3 <- read.table(e2f3, sep = "\t", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' # Rename column names appropriately and remove duplicated entrez ids
#' names(e2f3) <- c("entrez", "pvalue", "fc")
#' e2f3 <- e2f3[!duplicated(e2f3$entrez),]
#' # Compute the Quaternary Dot Product Scoring statistic for statistically significant
#' # regulators in the STRINGdb network
#' enrichment_results <- RunCRE_HSAStringDB(e2f3, method = "Enrichment",
#'                              fc.thresh = log2(1.3), pval.thresh = 0.05,
#'                              only.significant.pvalues = TRUE)
#' enrichment_results[1:4, c("uid","symbol","regulation","pvalue")]
#' @export

RunCRE_HSAStringDB <- function(gene_expression_data, method = "Quaternary", 
                               fc.thresh = log2(1.3), pval.thresh = 0.05,
                               only.significant.pvalues = FALSE,
                               significance.level = 0.05,
                               epsilon = 1e-16, progressBar = TRUE, 
                               relations = NULL, entities = NULL){
  cat("(1/5) Begin Processing...\n")
  # Check method
  if(!(method %in% c("Quaternary", "Ternary", "Enrichment"))){
    stop("Method must be one of Quaternary, Ternary or Enrichment!")
  # Check fc.thresh
  if(length(fc.thresh) != 1 || !is.numeric(fc.thresh)){
    stop("fc.thresh should be a numeric value!")
  # Check pval.thresh
  if(length(pval.thresh) != 1 || !is.numeric(pval.thresh) | pval.thresh > 1 | pval.thresh < 0){
    stop("pval.thresh should be a numeric value >= 0 and <= 1!")
  # Check only.significant.pvalues
  if(length(only.significant.pvalues) != 1 | !is.logical(only.significant.pvalues)){
    stop("only.significant.pvalues must be set to either TRUE or FALSE!")
  # Check significance.level
  if(length(significance.level) != 1 || !is.numeric(significance.level) | significance.level > 1 | significance.level < 0){
    stop("significance.level should be a numeric value >= 0 and <= 1!")
  # Epsilon must be positive between 0 and 1.
  if (length(epsilon) != 1 || !is.numeric(epsilon) || epsilon < 0 || epsilon > 1){
    stop("Epsilon must be positive numeric number >= 0 and <= 1!\n")
  # progressBar must be logical value.
  if (length(progressBar) != 1 || !is.logical(progressBar)){
    stop("progressBar must be a logical value!")
  # Check relations and entities
  usingSTRINGdb <- NULL
  if((length(relations) != 0 & !is.null(relations)) & (length(entities) != 0 & !is.null(entities))){
    check_relations(relations, entities)
    usingSTRINGdb <- FALSE
  }else if(length(relations) == 0 & is.null(relations) & length(entities) == 0 & is.null(entities)){ 
    f1 <- system.file("extdata", "StringRels.dat", package="QuaternaryProd")
    relations <- read.table(f1, header = T, stringsAsFactors = F)
    f2 <- system.file("extdata", "StringEnts.dat", package="QuaternaryProd")
    entities <- read.table(f2, header = T, stringsAsFactors = F)
    usingSTRINGdb <- TRUE
    stop("Both relations and entities must be specified otherwise set relations and entities to NULL and use STRINGdb!")
  if (!is.data.frame(gene_expression_data)){ 
    stop("Please enter a data frame for gene_expression_data!")
  gene_expression_data <- data.frame(gene_expression_data)
  if (nrow(gene_expression_data) == 0){
    stop("Please enter a non-empty data frame for gene_expression_data!")
  # Do more validation for gene_expression_data data frame
  if(ncol(gene_expression_data) == 3){
    # Check for NAs in gene_expression_data
    if (length(which(is.na(gene_expression_data))) > 0){
      stop("gene_expression_data data frame contains rows with NAs. Please only provide complete cases!")
    # Check if there are duplicated rows in gene_expression_data
    if(nrow(gene_expression_data[duplicated(gene_expression_data),]) > 0){
      stop("Duplicate rows in gene_expression_data found. Please remove duplicate rows!")
    # Check for correct column names
    pval.ind <- which(colnames(gene_expression_data) %in% c("pvalue"))
    fc.ind <- which(colnames(gene_expression_data) %in% c("fc") )
    id.ind <- which(colnames(gene_expression_data) %in% c("entrez"))
    # Stop if column names are not correct
    if(length(id.ind) == 0 | length(fc.ind) == 0 | length(pval.ind) == 0){
      stop("Please label gene_expression_data column names as entrez, fc, pvalue!")
    # Rearrange data
    gene_expression_data <- gene_expression_data[,c(id.ind, fc.ind, pval.ind)]
    names(gene_expression_data) <- c("entrez", "fc", "pvalue")
    # Check data types of entities column
    n.e0 <- nrow(gene_expression_data)
      suppressWarnings(gene_expression_data[,"entrez"] <- as.double(gene_expression_data[,"entrez"]))
      gene_expression_data <- gene_expression_data[complete.cases(gene_expression_data),]
      n.e0 <- n.e0 - nrow(gene_expression_data)
      if(any(gene_expression_data[,"entrez"] != floor(gene_expression_data[,"entrez"]))){
        stop("None of the entrez ids in gene_expression_data can be a double or a character representation of a double!")
      gene_expression_data[,"entrez"] <- as.integer(gene_expression_data[,"entrez"])
    }else if(is.integer(gene_expression_data[,"entrez"])){
      stop("In gene_expression_data, column entrez must be of type character or integer (but not a factor)!")
      stop("In gene_expression_data, column fc must be numeric!")
      stop("In gene_expression_data, column pvalue must be numeric!")

    # Make sure p-values are positive and less than 1
    if(!all(gene_expression_data[,"pvalue"] >= 0)){
      stop("All P-values in gene_expression_data data frame must be greater or equal to zero!")
    if(!all(gene_expression_data[,"pvalue"] <= 1)){
      stop("All P-values in gene_expression_data data frame must be smaller than one!")
    # Remove duplicate entrez in gene_expression_data
      stop("Remove duplicated entrez ids in gene_expression_data!")
    # Filter by p-value and fold-change
    gene_expression_data <- gene_expression_data[abs(gene_expression_data[,"fc"]) >= fc.thresh & gene_expression_data[,"pvalue"] <= pval.thresh,]
    gene_expression_data <- gene_expression_data[,c("entrez","fc")]
    # Check if any gene_expression_data left
    if(nrow(gene_expression_data) == 0){
      stop("No rows left in gene_expression_data after rows are filtered according to fc.thresh and pval.thresh!")
    # Where fc is greater than 0 replace with increase i.e 1 and where fc is negative
    # replace with -1 i.e decreases
    gene_expression_data[,2] <- ifelse(gene_expression_data[,2] > 0, 1, -1)
    names(gene_expression_data) <- c("entrez", "val")
  } else{
    stop("Please provide a valid gene_expression_data data frame containing columns: entrez, fc, pvalue")
  # Make sure all gene_expression_data entrez are in entities ids
  n.e1 <- nrow(gene_expression_data)
  gene_expression_data <- gene_expression_data[gene_expression_data[,"entrez"] %in% entities[,"id"],]
  n.e2 <- nrow(gene_expression_data)
  if (n.e2 == 0){
    stop("All entrez ids in gene_expression_data are not present in entities data frame!")
  cat(paste("(2/5)", (n.e1-n.e2), "rows from gene_expression_data removed due", "\n", "\t\t to entrez ids being unrepsented in network entities!\n", sep = " "))
  # Make sure no entrez id in entities maps to two entities
  n.e1 <- nrow(gene_expression_data)
  gene_expression_data.tmp <- merge(gene_expression_data, entities, by.x = "entrez" , by.y = "id")
  n.e2 <- nrow(gene_expression_data.tmp)
  if(n.e2 > n.e1){
    stop("At least one entrez id in gene_expression_data maps to more than one id in network entities!")
  gene_expression_data <- data.frame(uid = gene_expression_data.tmp[,"uid"], val = gene_expression_data.tmp[,"val"], stringsAsFactors = F)
  u.hyps <- NULL
  child.uid <- NULL
  child.sgn <- NULL
    cat("(3/5) Processing specified causal network...\n")
    u.hyps <- unique(relations$srcuid)
    child.uid <- lapply(u.hyps, function(x, relations) relations$trguid[which(relations$srcuid == x)], relations = relations)
    child.sgn <- lapply(u.hyps, function(x, relations) ifelse(relations$mode[which(relations$srcuid == x)] == 1,
                                                              1, ifelse(relations$mode[which(relations$srcuid == x)] == -1, -1, 0)), relations = relations)
    cat("(3/5) Loading STRINGdb causal network...\n")
    u.hyps <- read_yaml(system.file("extdata", "u.hyps.yaml", package="QuaternaryProd"))
    child.uid <- read_yaml(system.file("extdata", "child.uid.yaml", package="QuaternaryProd"))
    child.sgn <- read_yaml(system.file("extdata", "child.sgn.yaml", package="QuaternaryProd"))
  # Get the value of regulation of the children from the gene expression data
  child.val <- lapply(child.uid, function(x, gene_expression_data) 
                      getGeneVals(x, gene_expression_data), gene_expression_data = gene_expression_data)

  # Get gene values from gene_expression_data for all non children
  unique.children <- unique(relations$trguid)
  non.child.val <- lapply(child.uid, function(x, gene_expression_data, unique.children) 
                          getGeneVals(unique.children[which(!(unique.children %in% x))], gene_expression_data), 
                          gene_expression_data = gene_expression_data, unique.children = unique.children)
  results <- data.frame(matrix(0, nrow  = 2 * length(u.hyps), ncol = 12), stringsAsFactors = F)
  colnames(results) <- c('uid', 'symbol', 'regulation', 'correct.pred', 'incorrect.pred', 'score',
                        'total.reachable', 'significant.reachable', 'total.ambiguous', 'significant.ambiguous',
                        'unknown', 'pvalue')
  cat("(4/5) Computing P-values...\n")
    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = length(u.hyps), style = 3)
  for(p.s in 1:length(u.hyps)){

    results[(2*(p.s-1)+1), 1] <- entities$ensembleid[which(entities$uid == u.hyps[p.s])]
    results[(2*p.s), 1]       <- entities$ensembleid[which(entities$uid == u.hyps[p.s])]
    results[(2*(p.s-1)+1), 2] <- entities$symbol[which(entities$uid == u.hyps[p.s])]
    results[(2*p.s), 2]       <- entities$symbol[which(entities$uid == u.hyps[p.s])]
    results[(2*(p.s-1)+1), 3] <- 'up'
    results[(2*p.s), 3]       <- 'down'
    npp = length(which(child.sgn[[p.s]] == 1 &  child.val[[p.s]] == 1))
    npm = length(which(child.sgn[[p.s]] == 1 &  child.val[[p.s]] == -1))
    npz = length(which(child.sgn[[p.s]] == 1 &  child.val[[p.s]] == 0))
    nmp = length(which(child.sgn[[p.s]] == -1 &  child.val[[p.s]] == 1))
    nmm = length(which(child.sgn[[p.s]] == -1 &  child.val[[p.s]] == -1))
    nmz = length(which(child.sgn[[p.s]] == -1 &  child.val[[p.s]] == 0))
    nrp = length(which(child.sgn[[p.s]] == 0 &  child.val[[p.s]] == 1))
    nrm = length(which(child.sgn[[p.s]] == 0 &  child.val[[p.s]] == -1))
    nrz = length(which(child.sgn[[p.s]] == 0 &  child.val[[p.s]] == 0))
    nzp = length(which(non.child.val[[p.s]] == 1))
    nzm = length(which(non.child.val[[p.s]] == -1))
    nzz = length(which(non.child.val[[p.s]] == 0))
    if (method == "Quaternary"){
      pval <- runCRE(npp, npm, npz, nmp, nmm, nmz, nrp, nrm, nrz, nzp, nzm, nzz, method = 'Quaternary',
                     only.significant.pvalues = only.significant.pvalues, significance.level = significance.level, epsilon = epsilon)
    } else if (method == "Ternary"){
      pval <- runCRE(npp, npm, npz, nmp, nmm, nmz, nrp, nrm, nrz, nzp, nzm, nzz, method = 'Ternary',
                     only.significant.pvalues = only.significant.pvalues, significance.level = significance.level, epsilon = epsilon)
    } else if (method == "Enrichment"){
      pval <- runCRE(npp, npm, npz, nmp, nmm, nmz, nrp, nrm, nrz, nzp, nzm, nzz, method = 'Enrichment',
                     only.significant.pvalues = only.significant.pvalues, significance.level = significance.level, epsilon = epsilon)
    } else {
      stop("Select one of methods: Quaternary, Ternary or Enrichment")
    qPlus  <- npp + npm + npz
    qMinus <- nmp + nmm + nmz
    qR     <- nrp + nrm + nrz
    qZero  <- nzp + nzm + nzz
    results[(2*(p.s-1)+1), 4]  <- npp + nmm
    results[(2*(p.s-1)+1), 5]  <- npm + nmp
    results[(2*(p.s-1)+1), 6]  <- npp + nmm - (npm + nmp)
    results[(2*(p.s-1)+1), 7]  <- qPlus + qMinus + qR
    results[(2*(p.s-1)+1), 8]  <- npp + npm + nmp + nmm + nrp + nrm
    results[(2*(p.s-1)+1), 9]  <- qR
    results[(2*(p.s-1)+1), 10] <- nrp + nrm
    results[(2*(p.s-1)+1), 11] <- qZero
    results[(2*(p.s-1)+1), 12] <- pval$pval.up
    results[(2*p.s), 4]  <- nmp + npm
    results[(2*p.s), 5]  <- npp + nmm
    results[(2*p.s), 6]  <- nmp + npm - (npp + nmm)
    results[(2*p.s), 7]  <- qPlus + qMinus + qR
    results[(2*p.s), 8]  <- npp + npm + nmp + nmm + nrp + nrm
    results[(2*p.s), 9]  <- qR
    results[(2*p.s), 10] <- nrp + nrm
    results[(2*p.s), 11] <- qZero
    results[(2*p.s), 12] <- pval$pval.down
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, p.s)
  results.tmp1 <- results[which(results$pvalue > -1),]
  results.tmp1 <- results.tmp1[order(results.tmp1$pvalue),]
  results.tmp2 <- results[which(results$pvalue == -1),]
  results <- rbind(results.tmp1, results.tmp2)
  rownames(results) <- 1:nrow(results)
  cat("(5/5) Done.\n")

# This function runs the CRE based on the version specified
runCRE = function(npp, npm, npz, nmp, nmm, nmz, nrp, nrm, nrz, nzp, nzm, nzz, method, only.significant.pvalues, significance.level, epsilon){
  if(method == 'Quaternary'){
    qR     <- nrp + nrm + nrz
    qZero  <- nzp + nzm + nzz
    nPlus  <- npp + nmp + nrp + nzp
    nMinus <- npm + nmm + nrm + nzm
    nZero  <- npz + nmz + nrz + nzz
    ## Assume up-regulated
    qPlus  <- npp + npm + npz
    qMinus <- nmp + nmm + nmz
    score  <- npp + nmm + nrp + nrm - (npm + nmp)
    pval.up <- NULL
      pval.up <- QP_SigPvalue(score = score, q_p = qPlus, q_m = qMinus, q_z = qZero,
                           q_r = qR, n_p = nPlus, n_m = nMinus, n_z = nZero, epsilon = epsilon, sig_level = significance.level)
      pval.up <- QP_Pvalue(score = score, q_p = qPlus, q_m = qMinus, q_z = qZero,
                          q_r = qR, n_p = nPlus, n_m = nMinus, n_z = nZero, epsilon = epsilon)
    ## Assume down-regulated
    qPlus  <- nmp + nmm + nmz
    qMinus <- npp + npm + npz
    score  <- nmp + npm + nrp + nrm - (npp + nmm)
    pval.down <- NULL
      pval.down <- QP_SigPvalue(score = score, q_p = qPlus, q_m = qMinus, q_z = qZero,
                            q_r = qR, n_p = nPlus, n_m = nMinus, n_z = nZero, epsilon = epsilon, sig_level = significance.level)
      pval.down <- QP_Pvalue(score = score, q_p = qPlus, q_m = qMinus, q_z = qZero,
                             q_r = qR, n_p = nPlus, n_m = nMinus, n_z = nZero, epsilon = epsilon)
  } else if(method == 'Ternary'){
    qR     <- 0
    qZero  <- nzp + nzm + nzz
    nPlus  <- npp + nmp + nzp
    nMinus <- npm + nmm + nzm
    nZero  <- npz + nmz + nzz
    ## Assume up-regulated
    qPlus  <- npp + npm + npz
    qMinus <- nmp + nmm + nmz
    score  <- npp + nmm - (npm + nmp)
    pval.up <- NULL
      pval.up <- QP_SigPvalue(score = score, q_p = qPlus, q_m = qMinus, q_z = qZero,
                              q_r = qR, n_p = nPlus, n_m = nMinus, n_z = nZero, epsilon = epsilon, sig_level = significance.level)
      pval.up <- QP_Pvalue(score = score, q_p = qPlus, q_m = qMinus, q_z = qZero,
                           q_r = qR, n_p = nPlus, n_m = nMinus, n_z = nZero, epsilon = epsilon)
    ## Assume down-regulated
    qPlus  <- nmp + nmm + nmz
    qMinus <- npp + npm + npz
    score  <- nmp + npm - (npp + nmm)
    pval.down <- NULL
      pval.down <- QP_SigPvalue(score = score, q_p = qPlus, q_m = qMinus, q_z = qZero,
                                q_r = qR, n_p = nPlus, n_m = nMinus, n_z = nZero, epsilon = epsilon, sig_level = significance.level)
      pval.down <- QP_Pvalue(score = score, q_p = qPlus, q_m = qMinus, q_z = qZero,
                             q_r = qR, n_p = nPlus, n_m = nMinus, n_z = nZero, epsilon = epsilon)
  } else if(method == 'Enrichment'){
    nrp    <- npp + nmp + nrp
    nrm    <- npm + nmm + nrm
    nrz    <- npz + nmz + nrz
    qPlus  <- 0
    qMinus <- 0
    qR     <- nrp + nrm + nrz
    qZero  <- nzp + nzm + nzz
    nPlus  <- nrp + nzp
    nMinus <- nrm + nzm
    nZero  <- nrz + nzz
    score  <- nrp + nrm
      pval.up <- QP_SigPvalue(score = score, q_p = qPlus, q_m = qMinus, q_z = qZero,
                              q_r = qR, n_p = nPlus, n_m = nMinus, n_z = nZero, epsilon = epsilon, sig_level = significance.level)
      pval.up <- QP_Pvalue(score = score, q_p = qPlus, q_m = qMinus, q_z = qZero,
                           q_r = qR, n_p = nPlus, n_m = nMinus, n_z = nZero, epsilon = epsilon)
    pval.down <- pval.up
  pval <- list(pval.up = pval.up, pval.down = pval.down)

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QuaternaryProd documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:23 p.m.