
Defines functions remote_processing stop_gmql init_gmql

Documented in init_gmql remote_processing stop_gmql

#' Init GMQL server
#' It initializes and runs GMQL server for executing GMQL query.
#' It also performs a login to GMQL REST services suite, if needed
#' @importFrom rJava J
#' @param output_format string that identifies the output format of all sample 
#' files. It can be TAB, GTF or COLLECT:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{TAB: tab-delimited file format}
#' \item{GTF: tab-delimited text standard format based on the General 
#' Feature Format}
#' \item{COLLECT: used for storing output in memory (only in the case of local 
#' processing, i.e., remote_processing = FALSE)}
#' }
#' @param remote_processing logical value specifying the processing mode.
#' True for processing on cluster (remote), false for local processing.
#' @param url string url of server: It must contain the server address 
#' and base url; service name is added automatically.
#' If NULL, no login is performed.
#' You can always perform it by calling the function \code{\link{login_gmql}} 
#' explicitly
#' @param username string name used during remote server signup 
#' @param password string password used during remote server signup
#' @return None
#' @examples
#' ## This statement initializes GMQL with local processing with sample files 
#' ## output format as tab-delimited
#' init_gmql("tab", FALSE)
#' ## This statement initializes GMQL with remote processing
#' remote_url = "http://www.gmql.eu/gmql-rest/"
#' init_gmql(remote_processing = TRUE, url = remote_url)
#' @export
init_gmql <- function(output_format = "GTF", remote_processing = FALSE, 
                    url = NULL, username = NULL, password = NULL)
    out_format <- toupper(output_format)
    if(!out_format %in% c("TAB", "GTF", "COLLECT"))
        stop("output_format: must be TAB, GTF or COLLECT")
    # mettere attesa da input keyboard, controllare se token giĆ  esiste 
    # da sessione precedente
    if(!is.null(url) && !exists("GMQL_credentials", envir = .GlobalEnv))
    WrappeR <- J("it/polimi/genomics/r/Wrapper")

#' Stop GMQL server
#' It stops GMQL server processing
#' @importFrom rJava J
#' @return None
#' @examples
#' ## This statement first initializes GMQL with local processing and with 
#' ## sample file output format as tab-delimited, and then stops it
#' init_gmql("tab", FALSE)
#' stop_gmql()
#' @export
stop_gmql <- function()
    WrappeR <- J("it/polimi/genomics/r/Wrapper")

#' Disable or Enable remote processing
#' It allows to enable or disable remote processing 
#' @details 
#' The invocation of this function allows to change mode of processing.
#' After invoking collect() function, it is not possbile to switch the 
#' processing mode. 
#' @importFrom rJava J
#' @param is_remote logical value used in order to set the processing mode.
#' TRUE: you set a remote query processing mode, otherwise it will be local
#' @return None
#' @examples
#' ## This statement initializes GMQL with local processing with sample 
#' ## files output format as tab-delimited, and then it changes processing 
#' ## mode to remote
#' init_gmql("tab", remote_processing = FALSE)
#' remote_processing(TRUE)
#' @export
    WrappeR <- J("it/polimi/genomics/r/Wrapper")
    response <- WrappeR$remote_processing(is_remote)

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

RGMQL documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:59 p.m.