Rapid Integration of Term Annotation and Network resources

Global functions
as.graph Man page Source code
check_any_net_input Man page Source code
check_net_input Man page Source code
cov_undirected Man page Source code
enrichment_symbols Man page Source code
geneset_overlap Man page Source code
icon_dual_between Source code
icon_list_between Source code
icon_single_within Man page Source code
icon_test Man page Source code
load_all_protein_coding_symbols Man page Source code
load_geneset_symbols Man page Source code
network_overlap Man page Source code
plot.term_enrichment Man page Source code
plot.term_enrichment_by_subset Man page Source code
readGMT Man page Source code
readSIF Man page Source code
resource_reduce Man page Source code
show_active_genesets_hist Man page Source code
summary.term_enrichment Man page Source code
summary.term_enrichment_by_subset Man page Source code
term.test Source code
term_enrichment Man page Source code
term_enrichment_by_subset Man page Source code
vac1.day0vs31.de.genes Man page
vac1.day0vs56.de.genes Man page
vac2.day0vs31.de.genes Man page
vac2.day0vs56.de.genes Man page
writeGMT Man page Source code
write_simple_table Man page Source code
RITAN documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:16 p.m.