Man pages for atSNP
Affinity test for identifying regulatory SNPs

atSNP-packageatSNP: affinity tests for regulatory SNP detection
ComputeMotifScoreCompute the scores for SNP effects on motifs.
ComputePValuesCompute p-values for affinity scores.
dtMotifMatchCompute the augmented matching subsequence on SNP and...
encode_motifA motif library containing 2065 motifs downloaded from...
encode_motifinfoThe information for the motif library downloaded from...
GetIUPACSequenceGet the IUPAC sequence of a motif.
jaspar_motifA motif library containing 593 motifs downloaded from...
jaspar_motifinfoThe information for the motif library downloaded from...
LoadFastaDataLoad the SNP data from fasta files.
LoadMotifLibraryLoad position weight matrices.
LoadSNPDataLoad the SNP information and code the genome sequences around...
MatchSubsequenceCompute the matching subsequence.
motif_libraryA sample motif library.
motif_matchComposit logo plotting input containing motif scores, the...
motif_scoresScores for the sample snp data computed based on the motif...
plotMotifMatchPlot sequence logos of the position weight matrix of the...
priorDefault stationary distribution for nucleotide sequences in...
snpInfoA data set for SNP information.
snp_tblA data frame for SNP information.
transitionDefault transition probability matrix for nucleotide...
atSNP documentation built on April 28, 2020, 6:50 p.m.