API for beadarraySNP
Normalization and reporting of Illumina SNP bead arrays

Global functions
.mergeAnnotateddata Source code
.mergeAssayData Source code
.mergefeatureData Source code
BeadstudioQC Man page Source code
GetBeadStudioSampleNames Man page Source code
IlluminaGetGencalls Source code
IlluminaGetOPAinfo Source code
QC.260 Man page
QCIllumina Man page
QCIllumina-class Man page
RG2polar Man page Source code
Sample_Map2Samplesheet Man page Source code
SnpSetIllumina Man page
SnpSetIllumina-class Man page
SnpSetSegments-class Man page
[,SnpSetIllumina-method Man page
alterCN Man page Source code
arrayID Man page
arrayID,QCIllumina-method Man page
arrayID<- Man page
arrayID<-,QCIllumina-method Man page
arrayType Man page
arrayType,QCIllumina-method Man page
arrayType<- Man page
arrayType<-,QCIllumina-method Man page
backgroundCorrect.SNP Man page Source code
backgroundEstimate Man page Source code
calculateGSR Man page
calculateGSR,SnpSetIllumina-method Man page
calculateLOH Man page Source code
calculateLair Man page Source code
calculateQCarray Man page Source code
calculateSmooth Man page
calculateSmooth,SnpSetIllumina,character-method Man page
chr17.260 Man page
class:SnpSetIllumina Man page
cn.segments Man page
cn.segments,SnpSetSegments-method Man page
cn.segments<- Man page
cn.segments<-,SnpSetSegments,list-method Man page
combine,SnpSetIllumina,ANY-method Man page
combine,SnpSetIllumina,SnpSetIllumina-method Man page
compareGenotypes Man page Source code
convert2SegList Man page Source code
convert2aCGH Man page Source code
createCNSummary Man page Source code
dist.GT Man page Source code
exprs,SnpSetIllumina-method Man page
exprs<-,SnpSetIllumina,matrix-method Man page
fData,SnpSetIllumina-method Man page
fData<-,SnpSetIllumina,data.frame-method Man page
featureData,SnpSetIllumina-method Man page
featureData<-,SnpSetIllumina-method Man page
getAssayData Source code
getDNAindex Man page Source code
getExperiments Source code
getGrouping Source code
getMidMaxIdx Source code
getNorTum Source code
getSubsample Source code
heterozygosity Man page Source code
heterozygousSNPs Man page Source code
initialize,QCIllumina-method Man page
initialize,SnpSetIllumina-method Man page
initialize,SnpSetSegments-method Man page
interactiveCNselect Man page Source code
normalizeBetweenAlleles.SNP Man page Source code
normalizeBetweenSubsamples.SNP Man page Source code
normalizeLoci.SNP Man page Source code
normalizeWithinArrays.SNP Man page Source code
pdfBeadstudioQC Man page Source code
pdfChromosomeGainLossLOH Man page Source code
pdfChromosomesSmoothCopyNumber Man page Source code
pdfQC Man page Source code
pdfSamplesSmoothCopyNumber Man page Source code
plotGenomePanels Man page Source code
plotGoldenGate4OPA Man page Source code
plotGroupZygosity Source code
plotQC Man page
plotQC,QCIllumina-method Man page
polar2RG Man page Source code
read.SnpSetBeadstudio Source code
read.SnpSetGencall Source code
read.SnpSetIllumina Man page Source code
read.SnpSetSampleSheet Source code
readClusteringData Source code
readReportfile Source code
removeLowQualityProbes Man page Source code
removeLowQualitySamples Man page Source code
renameOPA Man page Source code
reportChromosomeGainLossLOH Man page Source code
reportChromosomesSmoothCopyNumber Man page Source code
reportGenomeGainLossLOH Man page Source code
reportGenomeIntensityPlot Man page Source code
reportGenotypeSegmentation Man page Source code
reportSamplePanelQC Man page
reportSamplePanelQC,QCIllumina-method Man page
reportSamplePanelQC-methods Man page
reportSamplesSmoothCopyNumber Man page Source code
segmentate Man page Source code
segmentate.old Source code
setRealCN Man page Source code
smoothed.intensity Man page Source code
smoothed.probes Source code
smoothed.size Source code
sortGenomic Man page
sortGenomic,SnpSetIllumina-method Man page
standardNormalization Man page Source code
beadarraySNP documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:21 p.m.