Man pages for birte
Bayesian Inference of Regulatory Influence on Expression (biRte)

birteFitRidgeFit ridge regression model given a defined set of active...
birtePredictPrediction of gene expression via biRte.
birteRunMain interface for Bayesian Inference of Regulatory Influence...
EColiNetworkExample TF-target graph from Regulon DB.
EColiOxygenExample data set from E. Coli to sample TF activities.
estimateNetworkEstimate network between active regulators using Nested...
getPotentialSwapsCalculate swap partner for TF-/miRNA-target graph. This...
humanNetworkSubset of regulator-target gene network for human
limmaAnalysisSimple limma analysis on expression data with one contrast.
plotConvergencePlot the marginal log-likelihood of the model along MCMC...
proposeInteractionsPropose possible regulator-regulator interactions that could...
simplifySimplify regulator-target gene network via clustering.
simulateDataSimulate expression data.
suggestThresholdAutomatically suggest suitable threshold for marginal...
TFexprTranscription factor expression values for the...
birte documentation built on May 2, 2019, 12:32 a.m.