Man pages for corral
Correspondence Analysis for Single Cell Data

add_embeddings2scelistAdd embeddings to list of SCEs
compsvdcompsvd: Compute Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)
corralcorral: Correspondence analysis on a single matrix
corralmMulti-table correspondence analysis (list of matrices)
corral_preprocPreprocess a matrix for Correspondence analysis
earthmover_distEarthmover distance (and general Wasserstein distance)
get_pct_var_exp_svdCompute percent of variance explained
get_weightsGet weights
list2matList to Matrix
na2zeroSet na to 0
obs2probsObservations -> discrete probabilities
pairwise_rvPairwise rv coefficient
plot_embeddingPlot selected PCs from an embedding
plot_embedding_scePlot selected PCs from an embedding saved in a...
rvrv coefficient
sce2matlistSingleCellExperiment to list of matrices
corral documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:25 p.m.