Man pages for deco
Decomposing Heterogeneous Cohorts using Omic Data Profiling

ALCLdataSubset of microarray gene expression data from Anaplastic...
AnnotateDECODECO annotating function
deco-classClass '"deco"'
decoNSCANon-Symmetrical Correspondence Analysis (NSCA) applied to a...
deco-packageDECO: DEcomposing heterogeneous Cohorts from Omic profiling.
decoRDASubsampling function to find out differential events along...
decoReportReport of DECO analyisis
featureTableAccessor to 'featureTable' slot of 'deco-class' objects.
NSCAclusterAccessor to 'NSCAcluster' slot of 'deco-class' objects.
plotAssociationHPlot to visualize association among DECO subclasses and...
plotDECOProfileFeature profile from DECO analysis
plotGainingHGaining plots for using h-statistic instead original omic...
plotHeatmapHHeatmap corresponding to h-statistic matrix provided by DECO...
deco documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:45 p.m.