Man pages for flowCHIC
Analyze flow cytometric data using histogram information

abiotic_incolDataset with abiotic data
calculate_overlaps_xorCalculate overlap and XOR images
fcs_to_imgFCS files to images
flowCHIC_packageAnalyze flow cytometric data using histogram information
img_subCreate image subsets
plot_nmdsNMDS plot of samples
Results_overlapsDataset with labels and sums of informative pixels within the...
Results_overlaps_incolDataset with labels and sums of informative pixels within the...
Results_overlaps_mixDataset with labels and sums of informative pixels within the...
Results_xorDataset with labels and intensity values of the FCS files...
Results_xor_incolDataset with labels and intensity values of the second...
Results_xor_mixDataset with labels and intensity values of the first...
flowCHIC documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:53 p.m.