#### ## For each XML node in FlowJo's worspaces we have a separate constructor
#### ## function. The XML has the following structure:
#### ## Worksapce (xmlWorkspace)
#### ## SampleList (xmlSampleList)
#### ## Sample (xmlSample)
#### ## DataSet (xmlDataSet)
#### ## Keywords (xmlKeywords)
#### ## Keyword (xmlKeïż½word)
#### ## Keyword...
#### ## SampleNode (xmlSampleNode)
#### ## Subpopulations (xmlSubpopulations)
#### ## Population (xmlSubpopulations)
#### ## Gate (xmlGate)
#### ## gating:PolygonGate (xmlPolygonGate)
#### ## gating:dimension (xmlDimension)
#### ## gating:dimension...
#### ## gating:vertex (xmlVertex)
#### ## gating:vertex...
#### ## Subpopulations...
#### ## Subpopulations...
#### ## Subpopulations...
#### ## Sample...
#### ## Return default attributes for an XML node of type 'tag' potentially
#### ## replacing values by the content of 'attrs' (in form of a named list)
#### ## or by additional named '...' arguments.
#### targs <- function(tag, attrs=NULL, system="win", ...)
#### {
#### defs <- fjSettings(system)
#### tnam <- gsub(".*:", "", tag)
#### if(!tnam %in% names(defs))
#### stop("'", tnam, "' is not a valid XML tag in this context.")
#### res <- defs[[tnam]]
#### args <- c(list(...), attrs)
#### if(length(args) && length(names(args)))
#### {
#### args <- args[names(args)!=""]
#### res[names(args)] <- args
#### }
#### if(!is.null(res))
#### {
#### res <- res[!sapply(res, is.null)]
#### n <- names(res)
#### res <- as.character(res)
#### names(res) <- n
#### }
#### return(res)
#### }
#### ## Create XML node of type 'tag' taking the default attributes unless
#### ## specifically altered via the 'attrs' argument. Further children of
#### ## the node can be passed in as a list using 'children' or as named
#### ## '...' arguments
#### xmlTag <- function(tag, attrs=NULL, children=NULL, system="win", ...)
#### {
#### mf <- list(...)
#### tn <- if("namespace" %in% names(mf))
#### paste(mf$namespace, tag, sep=":") else tag
#### if(!is.list(children) || is(children, "XMLNode"))
#### children <- list(children)
#### xmlNode(name=tag, attrs=targs(tn, attrs=attrs, system=system),
#### .children=children, ...)
#### }
#### ## Wrapper that allows to connect different functions creating XML
#### ## tags to the tag name in a system dependent way. Essentially, a
#### ## function called "xml<name><Win/Mac>" will be called, depending on
#### ## the setting of the name and system argument. This allows to create
#### ## the different tag versions without having to check for the current
#### ## system every time.
#### xmlConst <- function(name, system=c("win", "mac"), ...)
#### {
#### ext <- switch(match.arg(system), win="Win", mac="Mac", stop("Unknown system!"))
####"xml", name, ext, sep=""), args=list(...))
#### }
#### ## The workspace XML node. This is the main container for the information about
#### ## samples, groups and gates. Non of the node attributes seems to be mandatory
#### ## but we nonetheless provide their defaults here. The 'children' argument is
#### ## supposed to be a list of XML children nodes, hence this function has to be
#### ## called last when building the tree, after all children haven been realized.
#### ## 'outfile' is the link to the file in which the workspace is subsequently
#### ## written. Additional arguments in '...' will be treated as tag attributes.
#### xmlWorkspaceWin <- function(children=NULL, outfile, ...)
#### {
#### xmlTag("Workspace", attrs=list(modDate=format(Sys.time(),
#### "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y"), nonAutoSaveFileName=outfile,
#### ...), children=children, system="win")
#### }
#### xmlWorkspaceMac <- function(children=NULL, outfile, ...)
#### {
#### xmlTag("Workspace", attrs=list(modDate=format(Sys.time(),
#### "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y"), nonAutoSaveFileName=outfile,
#### ...), children=children, system="mac")
#### }
#### ## The WindowPosition XML node. Additional arguments in '...' will be treated
#### ## as tag attributes.
#### xmlWindowPositionWin <- function(...)
#### {
#### xmlTag("WindowPosition", attrs=list(...))
#### }
#### ## The TextTraits XML node. The 'name' attribute is supposed to be a character
#### ## mapping the node to a FlowJo structure. Additional arguments in '...'
#### ## will be treated as tag attributes.
#### xmlTextTraitsWin <- function(name="Workspace", ...)
#### {
#### xmlTag("TextTraits", attrs=list(...))
#### }
#### ## The Columns XML node. The children are 'TColumn' tags that are generated
#### ## from the 'columns' argument which is a numeric vector of column widths and
#### ## the names of the vector items are used as column headers. Additional
#### ## arguments in '...' will be treated as tag attributes.
#### xmlColumnsWin <- function(sort="$BTIM", columns, ...)
#### {
#### if(missing(columns))
#### {
#### columns <- c("240", "80", "80")
#### names(columns) <- c("Name", "Statistic", "#Cells")
#### }
#### else
#### {
#### if(!is.numeric(columns) || is.null(names(columns)))
#### stop("'columns' must be a named numeric vector")
#### }
#### tcols <- mapply(function(n,w) xmlTag("TColumn", attrs=list(name=n, width=w)),
#### names(columns), columns, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
#### xmlTag("Columns", attrs=list(wsSortOrder=sort, ...), children=tcols)
#### }
#### ## The Groups XML node. We put all samples in the single group 'All Samples'.
#### ## The 'set' argument is supposed to be the flowSet.
#### xmlGroupsWin <- function(set)
#### {
#### refs <- xmlTag("SampleRefs", children=lapply(1:length(set), function(x)
#### xmlTag("SampleRef", attrs=list(sampleID=x))), simplify=FALSE)
#### grp <- xmlTag("Group", children=list(xmlTag("Criteria"), refs))
#### grpNode <- xmlTag("GroupNode", children=list(xmlGraphWin(count=FALSE), grp))
#### xmlTag("Groups", children=grpNode)
#### }
#### ## The TableEditor XML node. The 'title' argument is only used for the window
#### ## header, it should be the name of the workspace xml file.
#### xmlTableEditorWin <- function(title="workspace.wsp")
#### {
#### tab <- xmlTag("Table", children=xmlTag("Iteration"))
#### wp <- xmlWindowPositionWin(x="0", y="0", width="675", height="340",
#### displayed="0", panelState=NULL)
#### xmlTag("TableEditor", attrs=list(title=sprintf("FlowJo Tables - %s", title)),
#### children=list(tab, wp))
#### }
#### ## The LayoutEditor XML node. The 'title' argument is only used for the window
#### ## header, it should be the name of the workspace xml file.
#### xmlLayoutEditorWin <- function(title="workspace.wsp")
#### {
#### lo <- xmlTag("Layout", children=list(xmlTag("FigList"), xmlTag("Iteration")))
#### wp <- xmlWindowPositionWin(x="0", y="0", width="650", width="624",
#### displayed="0", panelState=NULL)
#### xmlTag("LayoutEditor", attrs=list(title=sprintf("FlowJo Tables - %s", title)),
#### children=list(lo, wp))
#### }
#### ## The CompensationEditor XML node. The 'title' argument is only used for the
#### ## window header, it should be the name of the workspace xml file.
#### ## FIXME: How does that look like with a spilloever matrix?
#### xmlCompensationEditorWin <- function(title="workspace.wsp", spillover=FALSE)
#### {
#### comp <- if(!spillover) NULL else
#### xmlTag("Compensation", children=list(xmlTag("spilloverMatrix",
#### namespace="comp"), xmlTag("Transformations",
#### children=xmlTag("transformation", namespace="transforms",
#### children=xmlTag("pre-defined", namespace="transforms",
#### children=xmlTag("logicle", namespace="transforms"))))))
#### xmlTag("CompensationEditor", attrs=list(title=sprintf("FlowJo Tables - %s",
#### title)), children=list(comp, xmlWindowPositionWin(x="0", y="0", width="800",
#### height="570", displayed="0", panelState=NULL)))
#### }
#### ## The DivaSettings XML node.
#### xmlDivaSettingsWin <- function()
#### xmlTag("DivaSettings")
#### ## The SampleList XML node. This is basically just a wrapper for multiple
#### ## 'Sample' child nodes.
#### xmlSampleListWin <- function(Sample)
#### xmlTag("SampleList", children=Sample)
#### xmlSampleListMac <- function(Sample)
#### xmlTag("SampleList", children=Sample)
#### ## The Sample XML node. All the information about a single sample, both
#### ## regarding the linked data file and the full gating hierarchy if present.
#### xmlSampleWin <- function(DataSet, Keywords, SampleNode,...){
#### xmlTag("Sample", children=list(DataSet, Keywords, SampleNode))
#### }
#### ## The DataSet XML node. Information about the linked data file for a
#### ## particular sample. We constuct this from the flowFrame identifier, so we
#### ## have to make sure ahead of time that it matches the filename. The sample ID
#### ## is just an integer number and should be supplied by an appropriate iterator.
#### xmlDataSetWin <- function(frame, id)
#### xmlTag("DataSet", attrs=list(uri=file.path(".", identifier(frame),
#### fsep="\\"), sampleID=id))
#### xmlDataSetMac <- xmlDataSetWin
#### ## The Keywords XML node. Those are directly extracted from the flowFrame.
#### ## FlowJo is a bit picky about which characters are allowed in the keyword
#### ## names. In case the file does not load properly, this is a good point to
#### ## start debugging.
#### xmlKeywordsWin <- function(frame)
#### {
#### kw <- sapply(description(frame), paste, collapse=" ")
#### sel <- sapply(names(kw), function(x) length(grep("&", x, fixed=TRUE))>0)
#### kw <- kw[!sel]
#### xkw <- mapply(function(n, v) xmlTag("Keyword", attrs=list(name=n, value=v)),
#### names(kw), kw, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
#### xmlTag("Keywords", children=xkw)
#### }
#### xmlKeywordsMac <- xmlKeywordsWin
#### ## The SampleNode XML node. This represents a single base node in FlowJo's event
#### ## tree. It maps back into the DataSet node via the sampleID attribute.
#### xmlSampleNodeWin <- function(frame, id, gates=NULL, transforms=NULL, level=0)
#### {
#### pars <- if(is.null(gates)) 1:2 else if(level==0) {parameters(gates$gates[[names(gates$tree)]])
#### }else{ parameters(gates$gates[[names(gates$tree[[level]])]]) }
#### spops <- if(length(gates$tree)) xmlSubpopulationsWin(gates, transforms,
#### level=level, frame=frame) else NULL
#### g <- xmlGraphWin(frame[,pars])
#### xmlTag("SampleNode", attrs=list(name=identifier(frame), count=nrow(frame),
#### sampleID=id), children=list(spops, g))
#### }
#### ## The Graph XML node. This sets the defaults for the plots.
#### xmlGraphWin <- function(frame, count=TRUE)
#### {
#### d <- if(missing(frame)) c("x", "y") else head(c("x", "y"), ncol(frame))
#### n <- if(missing(frame)) c("", "") else head(colnames(frame), 2)
#### m <- if(missing(frame)) c("0.0", "0.0") else head(range(frame)["max",], 2)
#### ax <- mapply(function(d, n ,m) xmlTag("Axis", attrs=list(dimension=d,
#### name=n, max=m)), d, n, m, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
#### traits <- lapply(c("Labels", "", "Numbers"), xmlTextTraitsWin)
#### wp <- xmlWindowPositionWin(x="623", y="20", width="382", height="526",
#### displayed="1")
#### ats <- if(count && !missing(frame)) list(rowCount=nrow(frame)) else NULL
#### xmlTag("Graph", attrs=ats, children=c(ax, traits, list(wp)))
#### }
#### ## The Subpopulations XML node. This function is recursive and recreates the
#### ## gating tree. The 'gates' and 'gresults' arguments have to be named list of
#### ## matching filter and filterResult objects, and the named list structure
#### ## in 'glist' should represent the tree. E.g., if the names in 'gates' are
#### ## 'a', 'b' and 'c', then glist=list(a=list(b=list()), c=list()) would create
#### ## a tree with 'b' nested in 'a' and 'c' as a separate node on the same level
#### ## as 'a'.
#### ## The Populations XML node contained within represents a single gating node in
#### ## FLowJo's event tree. Population nodes can be nested using further
#### ## Subpopulation nodes, creating the hierarchical structure. This is
#### ## archived by recursively passing additional arguments on to the
#### ## xmlSubpopulation constructor. We also pass the filterResult because we
#### ## need to know the number of events after the gating. Note the recomputing
#### ## the event counts in FlowJo could potentially yield slightly different
#### ## results.
#### xmlSubpopulationsHelper <- function(gates, gresults, glist, pops=NULL,
#### transforms, level, frame)
#### {
#### children <- names(glist)
#### if(!is.null(children) && any(children %in% names(gates)))
#### {
#### level <- level+1
#### pops <- append(pops, "<Subpopulations>")
#### }
#### for(i in children)
#### {
#### g <- NULL
#### if(i %in% names(gates))
#### {
#### if(i == children[[1]])
#### {
#### tmpglist <- glist[[1]]
#### grandchild <- NULL
#### while(!is.null(names(tmpglist)))
#### {
#### ng <- names(tmpglist)[1]
#### if(ng %in% names(gates))
#### {
#### grandchild <- ng
#### break
#### }
#### tmpglist <- tmpglist[[1]]
#### }
#### cparms <- if(is.null(grandchild)) parameters(gates[[i]]) else parameters(gates[[grandchild]])
#### g <- toString.XMLNode(xmlGraphWin(frame[,cparms]))
#### }
#### tmp <- xmlGateWin(gates[[i]], i, transforms[[i]], gresults[[i]])
#### pops <- c(pops, sprintf(paste("<Population name=\"%s\" annotation=\"\"",
#### "owningGroup=\"\" expanded=\"1\" sortPriority=\"10\" count=\"%s\">"),
#### identifier(gates[[i]]), toTable(summary(gresults[[i]]))$true), g,
#### toString.XMLNode(xmlGateWin(gates[[i]], i, transforms[[i]], gresults[[i]])))
#### }
#### pops <- xmlSubpopulationsHelper(gates, gresults, glist[[1]], pops, transforms,
#### level=level, frame=frame)
#### if(i %in% names(gates))
#### pops <- append(pops, "</Population>")
#### }
#### if(!is.null(children) && any(children %in% names(gates)))
#### pops <- append(pops, "</Subpopulations>")
#### return(pops)
#### }
#### xmlSubpopulationsWin <- function(gates, transforms, level, frame)
#### {
#### pop <- c("<wrapper xmlns:gating=\"dummy\" xmlns:data-type=\"dummy\">",
#### xmlSubpopulationsHelper(gates=gates$gates, gresults=gates$result,
#### glist=gates$tree, transforms=gates$transforms,
#### level=level, frame=frame),
#### "</wrapper>")
#### xmlTreeParse(pop, asText=TRUE, addAttributeNamespaces=TRUE)$doc$children[[1]][[1]]
#### }
#### ## The Gate XML node. This holds the geometric definiton of a gate. The
#### ## translateGate function makes sure that we created the appropriate
#### ## representation for the respective gate types.
#### xmlGateWin <- function(gate, id, transforms, gres=NULL)
#### {
#### xmlTag("Gate", attrs=c("gating:id"=id), children=translateGate(gate,
#### transforms, gres))
#### }
#### ## Create a unique integer identifier for a gate.
#### guid <- function(...) substr(as.character(as.vector(as.integer(Sys.time())/
#### runif(1) * proc.time()["elapsed"])), 0, 8)
#### ## The PolygonGate XML node. This represents dimensions and vertices for a
#### ## single polygon gate.
#### xmlPolygonGateWin <- function(gate, tf)
#### {
#### if(!missing(tf) && !is.null(tf))
#### {
#### for(p in parameters(gate))
#### gate@boundaries[,p] <- tf[[p]](gate@boundaries[,p])
#### }
#### dims <- lapply(parameters(gate), xmlDimensionNode)
#### verts <- apply(gate@boundaries, 1, xmlVertexNode)
#### xmlTag("PolygonGate", namespace="gating", children=c(dims, verts))
#### }
#### xmlVertexNode <- function(xy)
#### {
#### xmlTag("vertex", namespace="gating",
#### children=lapply(xy, function(x) xmlTag("coordinate",
#### namespace="gating", attrs=list("data-type:value"=x))))
#### }
#### xmlEllipsoidGateNode <- function(gate, tf)
#### {
#### parms <- parameters(gate)
#### if(length(parms)!=2)
#### stop("FlowJo only supports 2D ellipsoidal gates.")
#### dims <- lapply(parms, xmlDimensionNode)
#### center <- gate@mean[parms]
#### if (is.null(rownames(gate@cov)))
#### rownames(gate@cov) <- colnames(gate@cov)
#### cov <- gate@cov[parms, parms]
#### radius <- gate@distance
#### ev <- eigen(cov)
#### eVal <- sqrt(ev$values)*radius
#### eVect <- ev$vectors
#### names(eVal) <- colnames(eVect) <- parms
#### ans <- rbind(center - eVal[1]*eVect[,1],
#### center + eVal[1]*eVect[,1],
#### center - eVal[2]*eVect[,2],
#### center + eVal[2]*eVect[,2])/4
#### fd <- sqrt(eVal[1]^2 - eVal[2]^2)
#### f <- rbind(center - fd*eVect[,1], center + fd*eVect[,1])
#### if(!missing(tf) && !is.null(tf))
#### {
#### for(p in parms)
#### {
#### ans[,p] <- tf[[p]](ans[,p])
#### f[,p] <- tf[[p]](f[,p])
#### }
#### }
#### foci <- xmlFociNode(apply(f, 1, xmlVertexNode))
#### verts <- xmlEdgeNode(apply(ans, 1, xmlVertexNode))
#### xmlTag("EllipsoidGate", namespace="gating", children=c(dims, list(foci, verts)))
#### }
#### xmlRectangleGateWin <- function(gate, tf)
#### {
#### pars <- parameters(gate)
#### if(!missing(tf) && !is.null(tf))
#### {
#### gate@min <- sapply(pars, function(x)
#### as.vector(tf[[x]](gate@min[x])))
#### gate@max <- sapply(pars, function(x)
#### as.vector(tf[[x]](gate@max[x])))
#### }
#### dims <- lapply(parameters(gate), function(x)
#### xmlDimensionNode(parameter=x, min=gate@min[x], max=gate@max[x]))
#### xmlTag("RectangleGate", namespace="gating", children=dims)
#### }
#### ## The dimension XML node. Basically the parameter name. For polygon gates there
#### ## need to be two of those.
#### xmlDimensionWin <- function(parameter, min=NULL, max=NULL)
#### {
#### xmlTag("dimension", namespace="gating",
#### children=xmlTag("parameter", namespace="data-type",
#### attrs=list("data-type:name"=parameter)),
#### attrs=list("gating:min"=as.vector(min),
#### "gating:max"=as.vector(max)))
#### }
#### ## The vertex XML node. A single vertex in a polygon gate. It consists of two
#### ## coordinate subnodes, one for each of the two dimensions.
#### xmlVertexWin <- function(xy)
#### {
#### xmlTag("vertex", namespace="gating",
#### children=lapply(xy, function(x) xmlTag("coordinate",
#### namespace="gating", attrs=list("data-type:value"=x))))
#### }
#### ## The edges of an ellipse gate, essentially a collection of 4 vertex nodes
#### xmlEdgeWin <- function(xy)
#### {
#### xmlTag("edge", namespace="gating", children=xy)
#### }
#### ## The foci of an ellipse gate, essentially a collection of 2 vertex nodes
#### xmlFociWin <- function(xy)
#### {
#### xmlTag("foci", namespace="gating", children=xy)
#### }
#### xmlParameterMac <- function(parms, system)
#### {
#### ## do whatever needs to be done in here
#### }
#### xmlParameterWin <- function(...) NULL
#### ## Build a single xmlSample node from a flowFrame, accessed via an integer
#### ## index. This is supposed to be called using lapply, and the resulting list
#### ## can be the input to the xmlSampleList constructor.
#### createSample <- function(i, set, gates, transforms, system)
#### {
#### kw <- xmlConst("Keywords", set[[i]], system=system)
#### ds <- xmlConst("DataSet", set[[i]], i, system=system)
#### parms <- pData(parameters(set[[i]]))
#### pn <- if(system=="win") NULL else if(system=="mac")
#### lapply(seq_len(nrow(parms)), function(j, p, system)
#### xmlConst("Parameter", p[j,], system=system))
#### sn <- xmlConst("SampleNode", set[[i]], i, gates[[i]], transforms,system=system)
#### xmlConst("Sample", ds, kw, sn, pn,system=system)
#### }
#### ## The main function to create a flowJo workspace from a flowSet. The gating
#### ## hierarchy needs to be supplied as a separate list argument, where each list
#### ## item contains the (potentially nested) gates and gating results for a
#### ## particular sample.
#### createWorkspace <- function(set, outdir="flowJo", filename="workspace.wsp",
#### gates=NULL, transforms=NULL, system="win")
#### {
#### ## Setting the sampleNames of the flowSet to whatever write.flowSet will
#### ## create later in order to be sure that identifiers and file names match.
#### sn <- sampleNames(set)
#### hasExt <- sapply(sn, function(x) length(grep(".", x, fixed = TRUE))>0)
#### sn[!hasExt] <- paste(sn[!hasExt], "fcs", sep=".")
#### sampleNames(set) <- sn
#### ## We write our flowSet out as FCS files and read it back in to guarantee
#### ## concordance with the keywords we write in the XML
#### write.flowSet(set, outdir=outdir, what="integer")
#### #set <- read.flowSet(path=outdir, phenoData="annotation.txt")
#### ## Create the sample list from a flowSet and the gating structure object
#### slist <- xmlConst("SampleList", lapply(1:length(set), createSample, set, gates,
#### transforms,system=system), system=system)
#### wp <- xmlConst("WindowPosition", system=system)
#### traits <- xmlConst("TextTraits", system=system)
#### cols <- xmlConst("Columns", system=system)
#### grps <- xmlConst("Groups", set, system=system)
#### te <- xmlConst("TableEditor", filename, system=system)
#### le <- xmlConst("LayoutEditor", filename, system=system)
#### ce <- xmlConst("CompensationEditor", filename, system=system)
#### set <- xmlConst("DivaSettings", system=system)
#### ws <- xmlConst("Workspace", list(wp, traits, cols, grps, slist, te, le, ce, set),
#### file.path(gsub("/", "\\", getwd(), fixed=TRUE), outdir, filename, fsep="\\"),
#### system=system)
#### ## Write out to an XML file
#### saveXML(ws, file=file.path(outdir, filename),
#### prefix=sprintf("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"%s\"?>",
#### localeToCharset()))
#### }
#### setAs(from="workFlow", to="list", def=function(from)
#### {
#### wt <- tree(from)
#### n <- nodes(wt)
#### tv <- grep("transView", n)
#### gv <- grep("gateView", n)
#### rv <- setdiff(seq_along(n), gv)
#### ##if(length(tv) > 1)
#### ## stop("Multiple transformation operations are not supported by flowJo.")
#### ##if(length(gv) && length(rv) && !all(rv < min(gv)))
#### ## stop("Only further gate nodes are allowed as children of a gate node.")
#### start <- n[max(1, min(gv)-1)]
#### parent <- n[max(1, min(gv)-2)]
#### gates <- gres <- transforms <- list()
#### buildList <- function(tree, node, wf, first=TRUE, parent)
#### {
#### clist <- list()
#### if(length(node))
#### {
#### children <- as.vector(unlist(adj(tree, node)))
#### gchildren <- processed <- NULL
#### ids <- sapply(children, guid)
#### for(i in children)
#### {
#### v <- wf[[i]]
#### if(is(v, "gateView"))
#### {
#### fr <- action(v)@filterResult
#### if(is(get(fr)[[1]], "logicalFilterResult") && !identifier(fr) %in% processed)
#### {
#### gchildren <- c(gchildren, i)
#### processed <- c(processed, identifier(fr))
#### gates[[ids[i]]] <<- gate(action(v))
#### gres[[ids[i]]] <<- get(fr)
#### transforms[[ids[i]]] <<- if(first) identTransform(Data(wf[[node]]))
#### else if(is(wf[[node]], "transformView"))
#### estimateBackTransform(Data(wf[[parent]]),
#### get(action(wf[[node]])@transform))
#### else if(is(wf[[node]], "normalizeView"))
#### estimateBackNorm(Data(wf[[parent]]),
#### attr(Data(wf[[node]]), "warping"))
#### else identTransform(Data(wf[[node]]))
#### }
#### }
#### else
#### {
#### gchildren <- c(gchildren, i)
#### }
#### }
#### for(i in gchildren)
#### clist[[ids[i]]] <- buildList(tree, i, wf, FALSE, parent=node)
#### }
#### return(clist)
#### }
#### if(
#### return(list(gates=NULL, results=NULL, tree=list()))
#### tree <- buildList(wt, start, from, parent=parent)
#### return(list(gates=gates, results=gres, transforms=transforms,
#### tree=tree))
#### })
#### createGlist <- function(wf, backTrans)
#### {
#### glistSet <- as(wf, "list")
#### sn <- sampleNames(Data(wf[["base view"]]))
#### glist <- vector(mode="list", length=length(sn))
#### names(glist) <- sn
#### for(i in sn)
#### {
#### gtmp <- glistSet$gates
#### ## gates <- lapply(gtmp, function(x) if(is(x, "filter")) as(x, "polygonGate")
#### ## else as(x[[i]], "polygonGate"))
#### gates <- lapply(gtmp, function(x) if(is(x, "filter")) x else x[[i]])
#### res <- lapply(glistSet$results, function(x) x[[i]])
#### trans <- lapply(names(gtmp), collapseTransforms, fid=i,
#### transforms=glistSet$transforms, backTrans=backTrans)
#### names(trans) <- names(gtmp)
#### glist[[i]] <- list(gates=gates, results=res, tree=glistSet$tree,
#### transforms=trans)
#### }
#### return(glist)
#### }
#### wfToFlowJo <- function(wf, outdir="flowJo",
#### filename="workspace.wsp", backTrans=NULL, system="win")
#### {
#### wt <- tree(wf)
#### n <- nodes(wt)
#### tv <- grep("transView", n)
#### nv <- grep("normView", n)
#### relBaseView <- min(if(length(tv)) min(tv) else Inf,
#### if(length(nv)) min(nv) else Inf)
#### set <- if(!is.infinite(relBaseView)) Data(wf[[n[relBaseView]]]) else
#### Data(wf[["base view"]])
#### pars <- colnames(set[[1]])
#### if(is.null(backTrans))
#### {
#### backTrans <- makeLinear(set[[1]], listOnly=TRUE)
#### set <- fsApply(set, makeLinear)
#### }else{
#### set <- transform(set, backTrans)
#### }
#### gates <- createGlist(wf, backTrans=backTrans)
#### createWorkspace(set, outdir=outdir, filename=filename, gates=gates,
#### transforms=NULL, system=system)
#### }
#### translateGate <- function(gate, transformation, gres)
#### {
#### if(!is(gate, "parameterFilter") && !is(gate, "subsetFilter"))
#### stop("We only know how to represent object inheriting from 'parameterFilter'",
#### " in FlowJo.")
#### type <- class(gate)
#### pars <- parameters(gate)
#### if(!all(pars %in% names(transformation)))
#### stop("Transformation missing for gating parameter.")
#### switch(type,
#### ## FIXME: This is cheating
#### "subsetFilter"={
#### # browser()
#### # flt <- filterDetails(gres)
#### # lapply(flt,function(x){
#### # translateGate(x[[1]],transformation,gres)
#### # }
#### # gate <- flowViz:::norm2Polygon(filterDetails(gres)[[1]][[1]],parms=pars)
#### # xmlPolygonGateNode(gate,transformation,pars)
#### },
#### "polygonGate"={
#### xmlPolygonGateNode(gate,transformation,pars)
#### },
#### "rectangleGate"={
#### xmlRectangleGateNode(gate,transformation,pars)
#### },
#### "ellipsoidGate"={
#### gate <- flowViz:::ell2Polygon(filterDetails(gres)[[1]][[1]],parms=pars)
#### xmlPolygonGateNode(gate,transformation,pars)
#### },
#### "norm2Filter"={
#### gate <- flowViz:::norm2Polygon(filterDetails(gres)[[1]][[1]],parms=pars)
#### xmlPolygonGateNode(gate,transformation,pars)
#### },
#### "quadGate"={
#### },
#### stop("Unsupported gate type.")
#### )
#### }
#### xmlRectangleGateNode <- function(gate,transformation,pars){
#### gate@min <- sapply(pars,function(x){
#### as.vector(transformation[[x]](gate@min[x]))
#### })
#### gate@max <- sapply(pars,function(x){
#### as.vector(transformation[[x]](gate@max[x]))
#### })
#### dims <- lapply(parameters(gate),function(x)
#### xmlDimensionNode(parameter=x,min=gate@min[x], max=gate@max[x]))
#### xmlTag("RectangleGate", namespace="gating", children=dims)
#### }
#### xmlPolygonGateNode <- function(gate,transformation,pars){
#### for(p in pars)
#### gate@boundaries[,p] <- transformation[[p]](gate@boundaries[,p])
#### dims <- lapply(parameters(gate), xmlDimensionNode)
#### verts <- apply(gate@boundaries, 1, xmlVertexNode)
#### xmlTag("PolygonGate", namespace="gating", children=c(dims, verts))
#### }
#### ## The dimension XML node. Basically the parameter name. For polygon gates there
#### ## need to be two of those.
#### xmlDimensionNode <- function(parameter, min=NULL, max=NULL)
#### {
#### xmlTag("dimension", namespace="gating",
#### children=xmlTag("parameter", namespace="data-type",
#### attrs=list("data-type:name"=parameter)),
#### attrs=list("gating:min"=as.vector(min),
#### "gating:max"=as.vector(max)))
#### }
#### ## The default attributes for all types of XML nodes needed for a FlowJo
#### ## workspace. NULL values are ignored. These are stored in inst/defaults.xml
#### ## and new tags have to be added there.
#### fjSettings <- function(type=c("win", "mac")) switch(match.arg(type),
#### "win"=flowUtils:::.fuEnv$winDefaults,
#### "mac"=flowUtils:::.fuEnv$macDefaults, stop("Unknown system!"))
#### makeLinear <- function(x, range=1023, listOnly=FALSE)
#### {
#### parms <- pData(parameters(x))
#### rownames(parms) <- parms$name
#### isExp <- sapply(keyword(x, sprintf("$P%dE", 1:ncol(x))),
#### function(y) length(y) && y!="0,0")
#### tl <- lapply(parms[isExp, "name"], function(y)
#### new("transformMap", output=y, input=y,
#### f=function(zp){fun <- function(z)
#### (z - parms[y, "minRange"])/diff(unlist(parms[y, c("minRange",
#### "maxRange")]))*range;fun(zp)}))
#### names(tl) <- parms[isExp, "name"]
#### tlist <- new("transformList", transforms=tl)
#### if(listOnly)
#### return(tlist)
#### x <- transform(x, tlist)
#### repl <- list()
#### repl[names(which(isExp))] <- "0,0"
#### keyword(x) <- repl
#### return(x)
#### }
#### estimateBackTransform <- function(x, tf, n=1000)
#### {
#### dexpr <- apply(range(x[[1]]), 2, function(r) seq(r[1], r[2], len=n))
#### dummy <- flowFrame(dexpr)
#### dummyt <- transform(dummy, tf)
#### apf <- vector(mode="list", length(colnames(dummy)))
#### names(apf) <- colnames(dummy)
#### for(p in colnames(dummy))
#### apf[[p]] <- if(p %in% names(tf@transforms))
#### approxfun(exprs(dummyt[,p]), exprs(dummy[,p])) else function(x) x
#### res <- lapply(sampleNames(x), function(y) apf)
#### names(res) <- sampleNames(x)
#### return(res)
#### }
#### estimateBackNorm <- function(x, norm, n=1000)
#### {
#### enFun <- function(fid, norm)
#### {
#### apf <- vector(mode="list", length(colnames(x)))
#### names(apf) <- colnames(x)
#### for(p in colnames(x))
#### apf[[p]] <- if(length(norm[[p]]))
#### norm[[p]][["revWarpFuns"]][[fid]] else function(x) x
#### return(apf)
#### }
#### res <- lapply(sampleNames(x), enFun, norm)
#### names(res) <- sampleNames(x)
#### return(res)
#### }
#### identTransform <- function(x)
#### {
#### res <- lapply(sampleNames(x), function(y){
#### resY <- lapply(colnames(x[[y]]), function(z) function(zr) zr)
#### names(resY) <- colnames(x[[y]])
#### resY})
#### names(res) <- sampleNames(x)
#### return(res)
#### }
#### collapseTransforms <- function(gid, fid, transforms, backTrans=NULL)
#### {
#### wh <- which(names(transforms) == gid)
#### ttf <- transforms[wh:1]
#### parms <- names(ttf[[1]][[fid]])
#### funs <- sapply(parms, function(p) ttf[[1]][[fid]][[p]])
#### if(length(ttf) > 1)
#### for(t in 2:length(ttf))
#### for(p in parms)
#### {
#### makeFun <- function()
#### {
#### f1 <- funs[[p]]
#### f2 <- ttf[[t]][[fid]][[p]]
#### function(x) f1(f2(x))
#### }
#### funs[[p]] <- makeFun()
#### }
#### if(!is.null(backTrans))
#### {
#### ltf <- backTrans@transforms
#### for(p in parms)
#### if(p %in% names(ltf))
#### {
#### makeFun <- function()
#### {
#### f1 <- funs[[p]]
#### f2 <- ltf[[p]]@f
#### function(x) f2(f1(x))
#### }
#### funs[[p]] <- makeFun()
#### }
#### }
#### return(funs)
#### }
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