Man pages for gage
Generally Applicable Gene-set Enrichment for Pathway Analysis

eg2symConversion between Entrez Gene IDs and official gene symbols...
egSymbMapping between Entrez Gene IDs and official symbols
esset.grpThe non-redundant signcant gene set list
essGeneEssential member genes in a gene set
gageGAGE (Generally Applicable Gene-set Enrichment) analysis
gageCompCompare multiple GAGE analyses results
gage-internalInternal functions
gagePipeGAGE analysis pipeline
geneDataView the expression data for selected genes
go.gsetsGenerate up-to-date GO (Gene Ontology) gene sets
gse16873GSE16873: a breast cancer microarray dataset
gs.tTestGene set differential expression test
heter.gageGAGE analysis for heterogeneous data
kegg.gsCommon gene set data collections
kegg.gsetsGenerate up-to-date KEGG pathway gene sets
readExpDataRead in expression data
readListRead in gene set data as a named list
sigGeneSetSignificant gene set from GAGE analysis
gage documentation built on Dec. 13, 2020, 2:01 a.m.