Man pages for gaggle
Broadcast data between R and Gaggle

broadcastBroadcast Data to the Gaggle
connectToGaggleConnect to the Gaggle Boss
disconnectFromGaggleDisconnect from the Gaggle Boss
gaggleInitInitialize the R Goose, registering with the Gaggle
geeseWhat Geese (Programs) are Currently Running in the Gaggle?
getClusterCreate an R variable from Most Recently Broadcast Cluster
getJavaClassNameGet Java class name
getMatrixCreate an R matrix variable from Most Recently Broadcast...
getNameListCreate an R variable from Most Recently Broadcast NameList
getNetworkCreate an R network variable from a Broadcast Network
getSpeciesSpecify the Species To Which Subsequent Data Belongs
getTargetGooseWhich Goose will Receive Broadcasts?
getTupleCreate an R variable from Most Recently Broadcast Tuple
hideGooseHide a Goose from View
newTupleManipulate the Gaggle Tuple data type
setSpeciesSpecify the Species To Which Subsequent Data Belongs
setTargetGooseSpecify Which Goose will Receive Broadcasts
showGooseShow a Goose On the Screen
testGagglePackageRun unit tests for the Gaggle Package
gaggle documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:07 p.m.