Man pages for hopach
Hierarchical Ordered Partitioning and Collapsing Hybrid (HOPACH)

boot2fuzzyfunction to write MapleTree files for viewing bootstrap...
bootplotfunction to make a barplot of bootstrap estimated cluster...
bootstrapfunctions to perform non-parametric bootstrap resampling of...
correlationorderingfunction to compute empirical correlation between distance in...
disscosangleFunctions to compute pair-wise distances
distancematrixfunctions to compute pair wise distances between vectors
dplotfunction to make a pseudo-color image of a distance matrix...
golubGene expression dataset from Golub et al. (1999)
hdist-classClass "hdist" - S4 class to hold distance matrices.
hopachfunction to perform HOPACH hierarchical clustering
hopach2treefunction to write MapleTree files for viewing hopach...
hopach.internalFunctions used internally by the hopach package
labelstomssFunctions to compute silhouettes and split silhouettes
makeoutputfunction to write a text file with hopach output
prunefunction to prune a HOPACH tree.
hopach documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 4:54 p.m.