Man pages for metabomxtr
A package to run mixture models for truncated metabolomics data with normal or lognormal distributions

addBatchMeansA function to append batch specific mean metabolite...
addOutlierInfoA function to determine whether specific metabolite...
allMissingLevelsA function to determine whether metabolite levels are present...
anyMissingLevelsA function to determine whether any level of a categorical...
euMetabCDataA sample data set of truncated metabolomics data.
euMetabDataA sample data set of truncated metabolomics data.
idMissingLevelsA function to determine the levels of a categorical variable...
metabdataA sample data set of truncated metabolomics data
metabomxtr-packageA package to run mixture models on truncated normal or...
metabplotA function to plot metabolite abundance before and after...
mixnormA function to perform per-metabolite batch normalization...
mxtrmodA function to return optimized parameter estimates and the...
mxtrmodLLA function to return the negative log-likelihood of mixture...
mxtrmodLRTA function to run likelihood ratio tests on full vs. reduced...
mxtrmodstartA function to generate starting parameter estimates for the...
removeAllMissingCatVarA function to remove categorical variables with insufficient...
removeMissingLevelsA function to remove levels of categorical variables with...
runMxtrmodA function to return optimized parameter estimates and the...
xdesign-methods~~ Methods for Function 'xdesign' ~~
yvals-methods~~ Methods for Function 'yvals' ~~
zdesign-methods~~ Methods for Function 'zdesign' ~~
metabomxtr documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:50 p.m.