app: Processed scRNAseq from pooled CRISPR screens

Description Usage References Examples


Example data: mnem results for the Dixit et al., 2016 and Datlinger et al., pooled CRISPR screens. For details see the vignette or function createApp().




Datlinger, P., Rendeiro, A., Schmidl, C., Krausgruber, T., Traxler, P., Klughammer, J., Schuster, L. C., Kuchler, A., Alpar, D., and Bock, C. (2017). Pooled crispr screening with single-cell transcriptome readout. Nature Methods, 14, 297-301.

Dixit, A., Parnas, O., Li, B., Chen, J., Fulco, C. P., Jerby-Arnon, L., Marjanovic, N. D., Dionne, D., Burks, T., Raychowdhury, R., Adamson, B., Norman, T. M., Lander, E. S., Weissman, J. S., Friedman, N., and Regev, A. (2016). Perturb-seq: Dissecting molecular circuits with scalable single-cell rna profiling of pooled genetic screens. Cell, 167(7), 1853-1866.e17.



mnem documentation built on Nov. 18, 2020, 2 a.m.