Man pages for multtest
Resampling-based multiple hypothesis testing

boot.nullNon-parametric bootstrap resampling function in package...
corr.nullFunction to estimate a test statistics joint null...
EBMTPA function to perform empirical Bayes resampling-based...
EBMTP-classClass "EBMTP", classes and methods for empirical Bayes...
fwer2gfwerFunction to compute augmentation MTP adjusted p-values
get.indexFunction to compute indices for ordering hypotheses in...
golubGene expression dataset from Golub et al. (1999)
HsetsFunctions for generating guessed sets of true null hypotheses...
meanXFunctions to create test statistic closures and apply them to...
mt.internalInternal multtest functions and variables
mt.maxTStep-down maxT and minP multiple testing procedures
MTPA function to perform resampling-based multiple hypothesis...
MTP-classClass "MTP", classes and methods for multiple testing...
mt.plotPlotting results from multiple testing procedures
MTP-methodsMethods for MTP and EBMTP objects in Package 'multtest'
mt.rawp2adjpAdjusted p-values for simple multiple testing procedures
mt.rejectIdentity and number of rejected hypotheses
mt.sample.teststatPermutation distribution of test statistics and raw...
mt.teststatComputing test statistics for each row of a data frame
ss.maxTProcedures to perform multiple testing
wapplyWeighted version of the apply function
multtest documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 11:03 p.m.