Man pages for preciseTAD
preciseTAD: A machine learning framework for precise TAD boundary prediction

arrowhead_gm12878_5kbDomain data from ARROWHEAD TAD-caller for GM12878 at 5 kb
bedToGRangesListFunction to create a GRangesList object from functional...
binary_funcHelper function used to create binary overlap type feature...
count_funcHelper function used to create count overlap type feature...
createTADdataFunction to create a data matrix used for building a...
distance_funcHelper function used to create (log2) distance type feature...
extractBoundariesFunction to extract using boundaries from domain data
juicer_funcHelper function for transforming a GRanges object into matrix...
percent_funcHelper function used to create percent overlap type feature...
preciseTADPrecise TAD boundary prediction at base-level resolution...
signal_funcHelper function used to create signal type feature space
TADrandomForestA wrapper function passed to 'caret::train' to apply a random...
TADrfeA wrapper function passed to 'caret::rfe' to apply recursive...
tfbsListA list of the chromosomal coordinates for 26 transcription...
preciseTAD documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:51 p.m.