rnaEditr: an R package for RNA-seq data analysis


rnaEditr is an R package that identifies genomic sites and genomic regions that are differentially edited in RNA-seq datasets. rnaEditr can analyze studies with continuous, binary, or survival phenotypes, along with multiple covariates and/or interaction effects. To identify hyper-edited regions, rnaEditr first determines co-edited sub-regions without using any phenotype information. Next, rnaEditr tests association between RNA editing levels within the co-edited regions with binary, continuous or survival phenotypes.


The latest version can be installed by

if(!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))

After installation, the rnaEditr package can be loaded into R using:


Try the rnaEditr package in your browser

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rnaEditr documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:26 p.m.