Man pages for scmap
A tool for unsupervised projection of single cell RNA-seq data

annCell type annotations for data extracted from a publication...
EuclSqNormThe Euclidean Squared Norm of each column of a matrix is...
getSankeyPlot Sankey diagram comparing two clusterings
indexCellCreate an index for a dataset to enable fast approximate...
indexClusterCreate a precomputed Reference
NNMain nearest neighbour calculation function. Used on the...
normaliseNormalises each column of a matrix
scmapCellFor each cell in a query dataset, we search for the nearest...
scmapCell2ClusterApproximate k-NN cell-type classification using scfinemap
scmapClusterscmap main function
selectFeaturesFind the most informative features (genes/transcripts) for...
setFeaturesSet the most important features (genes/transcripts) for...
subdistsmultComputes the dot product between the subcentroids from the...
yanSingle cell RNA-Seq data extracted from a publication by Yan...
scmap documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:07 p.m.