Binding: Binding

Description Fields Examples





[logical] Only applies when type is File. Read up to the first 64 KiB of text from the file and place it in the "contents" field of the file object for manipulation by expressions.


[] Only applies when type is File. Describes files that must be included alongside the primary file. If the value is Expression, the context of the expression is the input or output File parameter to which this binding applies. Where the value is a string, it specifies that the following pattern should be applied to the primary file: If string begins with one or more caret characters, for each caret, remove the last file extension from the path (the last period . and all following characters). If there are no file extensions, the path is unchanged. Append the remainder of the string to the end of the file path.


Binding(loadContents = TRUE, secondaryFiles = "./test.txt")

sevenbridges documentation built on March 25, 2021, 6 p.m.