Man pages for sincell
R package for the statistical assessment of cell state hierarchies from single-cell RNA-seq data

ExpressionMatrixSingle-cell expression data for genes differentially...
f_distance2vectorConversion of the lower triangular matrix of a distance...
geneset.listExample of a geneset collection
knnalgorithmAuxiliary function for KNN and IMC algorithms
pseudoreplicatesbymodelAuxiliary function of sc_InSilicoCellsReplicatesObj function...
pseudoreplicatesbynoiseAuxiliary function of sc_InSilicoCellsReplicatesObj function...
pseudoreplicatesbynoise_cv2Auxiliary function of sc_InSilicoCellsReplicatesObj function...
sc_AssociationOfCellsHierarchyWithAGeneSetAssociation of a cell-state hierarchy with a functional gene...
sc_clusterObjClustering of individual cells based on a metric of choice
sc_ComparissonOfGraphsComparisson of graphs
sc_DimensionalityReductionObjDimensionality reduction of an expression matrix
sc_distanceObjAssessment of a cell-to-cell distance matrix with a metric of...
sc_GraphBuilderObjGraph building function for assessment of cell-state...
sc_InitializingSincellObjectFunction to initialize a sincell object
sc_InSilicoCellsReplicatesObjIn silico generation of replicates of individual cells
sc_marker2colorPalette of colors from the expression values of a marker gene
sc_StatisticalSupportByGeneSubsamplingStatistical support of cell-state hierarchies by gene...
sc_StatisticalSupportByReplacementWithInSilicoCellsReplicatesStatistical support of cell-state hierarchies by random cell...
sstalgorithmAuxiliary function for SST algorithm within function...
sincell documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:58 p.m.