
######################## SPS R6 Classes #######################

# method not used any more

##' SPS snapshots container
##' @description  Initiate this container at the global level, this is done
##' for you in *global.R* and you only need to call the `sps_plots` object when
##' you need methods from this class.
##' This container is used to communicate plotting tabs with the canvas tab.
##' @importFrom R6 R6Class
##' @importFrom rlang eval_tidy parse_expr
##' @importFrom assertthat is.number
##' @export
##' @examples
##' # a simple example to show how the snapshots communicates with Canvas
##' if(interactive()){
##'     library(shiny)
##'     library(shinydashboard)
##'     library(shinyjs)
##'     plots = plotContainer$new()
##'     mod1_UI <- function(id) {
##'         ns <- NS(id)
##'         tagList(
##'             h1("a tiny example of how Canvas work in SPS"),
##'             actionButton(ns("render"), "render"),
##'             jqui_resizable(plots$addUI(plotlyOutput(ns("plot1")), id)),
##'             sliderInput(ns("slide"), label = "rows",
##'                         min = 1, max = nrow(iris),
##'                         value = nrow(iris))
##'         )
##'     }
##'     mod1 <- function(input, output, session, shared) {
##'         observeEvent(input$render, {
##'             output$plot1 <- plots$addServer(renderPlotly, 'mod1', {
##'                 plotly::ggplotly(ggplot2::ggplot(iris[1:input$slide, ],
##'                                 ggplot2::aes(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width)) +
##'                              ggplot2::geom_point(aes(colour = Species)))
##'             })
##'             shared$snap_signal <- plots$notifySnap("mod1")
##'             req(shared$snap_signal)
##'             toastr_info(
##'                 glue("Snapshot {glue_collapse(shared$snap_signal, '-')}",
##'                      "added to canvas"),
##'                         position = "bottom-right")
##'         })
##'     }
##'     mod2_UI <- function(id){
##'         ns <- NS(id)
##'         tagList(
##'             actionButton(ns("refresh"), 'refresh'),
##'             sliderTextInput(
##'                 inputId = ns("ncols"),
##'                 label = "Number of columns per row to initiate canvas:",
##'                 choices = c(1:4, 12), selected = 2, grid = TRUE
##'             ),
##'             fluidRow(uiOutput(ns("new")), class = "sps-canvas")
##'         )
##'     }
##'     mod2 <- function(input, output, session, shared) {
##'         ns <- session$ns
##'         make_plots <- reactiveValues(ui = list(), server = list())
##'         observeEvent(shared$snap_signal, {
##'             tab_id <- shared$snap_signal[1]
##'             new_plot_id <- glue("{tab_id}-{shared$snap_signal[2]}")
##'             print(new_plot_id)
##'             make_plots$ui[[new_plot_id]] <-
##'                 list(plots$getUI(tab_id, ns(new_plot_id)), ns(new_plot_id))
##'             make_plots$server[[new_plot_id]] <- plots$getServer(tab_id)
##'         })
##'         observeEvent(input$refresh, {
##'             ui <- make_plots$ui
##'             output$new <- renderUI({
##'                 sapply(seq_along(ui), function(i){
##'                     column(
##'                         width = 12/isolate(input$ncols),
##'                         class = "collapse in",
##'                         id = glue("{ui[[i]][2]}-container"),
##'                         div(class = "snap-drag bg-primary",
##'                             h4(glue("Plot {ui[[i]][2]}")),
##'                             tags$button(
##'                                 class = "btn action-button canvas-close",
##'                                 icon("times"),
##'                                 `data-toggle`="collapse",
##'                                 `data-target`=glue("#{ui[[i]][2]}-container"),
##'                                 `plot-toggle` = ui[[i]][2]
##'                             )
##'                         ),
##'                         jqui_resizable(make_plots$ui[[i]][[1]]),
##'                         tags$script(glue(.open = '@', .close = '@',
##'                                          '$("#@ui[[i]][2]@-container")',
##'                                          '.draggable({ handle: ".snap-drag"})'))
##'                     )
##'                 }, simplify = FALSE) %>%{
##'                     fluidRow(id = ns('plots'),
##'                              tags$head(tags$style(
##'                                  '
##'                              .snap-drag {
##'                              opacity: 0;
##'                              };'),
##'                                  tags$style(
##'                                      '
##'                              .snap-drag button{
##'                              position: absolute;
##'                              outline: none;
##'                              background-color: Transparent;
##'                              top: 2px;
##'                              right: 4px;
##'                              };'),
##'                                  tags$style(
##'                                      '
##'                              .snap-drag h4{
##'                              margin-bottom: 0;
##'                              padding-bottom: 10px;
##'                              };'),
##'                                  tags$style(
##'                                      '
##'                              .snap-drag button:focus {
##'                              outline: 0 !important;
##'                              box-shadow: none !important;
##'                              };'),
##'                                  tags$style('.snap-drag:hover {
##'                              opacity: 1;
##'                              }
##'                              '
##'                                  )),
##'                              tagList(.)
##'                     )
##'                 }
##'             })
##'             for(plot_id in names(make_plots$server)){
##'                 output[[plot_id]] <- make_plots$server[[plot_id]]
##'             }
##'         })
##'         observeEvent(input$hide_title, {
##'             shinyjs::toggleClass(selector = ".snap-drag", class = "collapse")
##'         })
##'     }
##'     ui <- dashboardPagePlus(
##'         header = dashboardHeaderPlus(),
##'         sidebar = dashboardSidebar(),
##'         body = dashboardBody(
##'             useShinyjs(),
##'             useSps(),
##'             mod1_UI("mod1"),
##'             mod2_UI("mod2")),
##'         title = "Test",
##'     )
##'     server <- function(input, output, session) {
##'         shared = reactiveValues()
##'         callModule(mod1, "mod1",  shared)
##'         callModule(mod2, "mod2",  shared)
##'     }
##'     shinyApp(ui, server)
##' }
#plotContainer <- R6::R6Class("plot_container",
#    public = list(
#        #' @description initialize a new class container
#        initialize = function(){
#            spsinfo("Created a plot container R6 object", verbose = TRUE)
#        },
#        #' @field plot_ui a list of plot UI snapshots will be stored here.
#        #' You shouldn't manually edit this list, use `add/getUI` method
#        plot_ui = list(),
#        #' @field plot_server a list of plot server snapshots will be stored
#        #' here. You shouldn't manually edit this list, use `add/getServer`
#        #' method
#        plot_server = list(),
#        #' @description
#        #' add plot UI to the container. use it to wrap around the original plot
#        #'  out put function
#        #' @param plot_DOM Plotting output function, like `plotOutput`
#        #' @param tab_id unique ID, usually use in a module and use the tab ID
#        addUI = function(plot_DOM, tab_id){
#            force(tab_id)
#            if(!inherits(plot_DOM, c("shiny.tag", "shiny.tag.list")))
#                msg("plot UI is not shinytag or shiny.taglist", "error")
#            DOM_id <- private$tagAttrib(plot_DOM, 'id')
#            if (length(DOM_id) < 1)
#                spserror(
#                    c("Can't find ID for this plot UI output function. All ",
#                      "Shiny UI ouput function has an ID. If you believe this ",
#                      "plotting UI function is an exception,\n",
#                      "Please open an issue on our Github page.",
#                      "https://github.com/systemPipeR/systemPipeShiny/issues"))
#            if(not_empty(self$plot_ui[[tab_id]]))
#                spsinfo(glue("Plot UI for this tab `{tab_id}` already exists ",
#                         "in the container, overwrite"))
#            self$plot_ui[[tab_id]] <- plot_DOM
#            return(plot_DOM)
#        },
#        #' @description Get plot UI to the container.
#        #' @param tab_id unique ID, usually the tab ID if used in a module
#        #' @param plot_id_new string, usually if taking a
#        #' snapshot of a plot DOM,
#        #' they can't use the same ID on HTML. When get the UI, change the ID
#        #' to a new value
#        #' @return a saved plotting DOM
#        getUI = function(tab_id, plot_id_new = NULL){
#            ui <- self$plot_ui[[tab_id]]
#            if(is.null(ui)) spserror(glue("Can't find `{id}` in plot_ui list"))
#            if(!is.null(plot_id_new)){
#                ui <- private$tagAttrib(ui, 'id', plot_id_new)
#            }
#            return(ui)
#        },
#        #' @description
#        #' add plot server function to the container. use it to wrap around the
#        #' original plot output server function, like `renderPlot`,
#        #' `renderPlotly`
#        #' @param render_func plot output server function
#        #' @param tab_id unique ID, usually the tab ID if used in a SPS tab
#        #' @param expr the reactive expression to render the plot,
#        #' same as `expr`
#        #' in other render function
#        #' @param env default `parent.frame()`, see shiny documents
#        #' @param quoted Is you `expr` quoted?
#        #' @param ... additional args to pass to the original render function
#        addServer = function(render_func, tab_id, expr,
#                             env = parent.frame(), quoted = FALSE, ...){
#            expr_func <- exprToFunction(expr, env, quoted)
#            if(!inherits(render_func, "function"))
#                stop("render_func is not a function")
#            if(not_empty(self$plot_server[[tab_id]])){
#                msg(glue("Plot server with id {tab_id} already exists ",
#                         "in the container, overwrite"))}
#            self$plot_server[[tab_id]] <- list(func = render_func,
#                                               args = list(
#                                                   isolate(expr_func()), ...)
#                                               )
#            return(render_func(expr_func(), ...))
#        },
#        #' @description Get plot UI to the container.
#        #' @param tab_id unique ID, usually the tab ID if used in a module
#        #' @return saved plot server function
#        getServer = function(tab_id){
#            render_expr <- self$plot_server[[tab_id]]
#            if(is.null(render_expr))
#                msg(glue("Can't find `{tab_id}` in plot_server list"), "error")
#            return(base::do.call(render_expr$func, render_expr$args))
#        },
#        #' @description notify the snapshot tab a snapshot has been added
#        #'
#        #' @param tab_id unique ID, usually the tab ID if used in a module
#        #' @param skip positive integer, This function is usually bound to the
#        #' plotting button. When clicked, the first number of `skip` clicks will
#        #' not add the snapshot to the canvas tab.
#        #' @param reset bool, to reset the count and return nothing
#        #' @param set_to positive integer, reset the count of a tab to be a
#        #' certain number
#        #' @return a vector of `tab_id` and count number as a character string
#        notifySnap = function(tab_id, skip = 1, reset = FALSE, set_to = NULL){
#            if(reset) {
#                private$notify_list[[tab_id]] <- NULL
#                return(invisible())
#            }
#            if(is.number(set_to)){
#                private$notify_list[[tab_id]] <- abs(round(set_to))
#                return(invisible())
#            }
#            assert_that(is.number(skip))
#            notify_index <- private$notify_list[[tab_id]]
#            if(is.null(notify_index)) {
#                private$notify_list[[tab_id]] <- 1}
#            else {private$notify_list[[tab_id]] <- notify_index + 1}
#            notify_index <- private$notify_list[[tab_id]]
#            if (notify_index <= skip) return(NULL)
#            else return(c(tab_id, notify_index - skip))
#        }
#    ),
#    private = list(
#        tagAttrib = function(taglist, attrib, changeto = NULL){
#            is_tag <- FALSE
#            attr_value <- NULL
#            if(inherits(taglist, "shiny.tag"))
#                {taglist <- tagList(taglist); is_tag <- TRUE}
#            for (i in seq_along(taglist)){
#                if (!inherits((taglist[[i]]), "shiny.tag")) next
#                attr_value = taglist[[i]]$attribs[[attrib]]
#                if(!is.null(attr_value)){
#                    if (is.null(changeto)){return(attr_value)}
#                    else {
#                        taglist[[i]]$attribs[[attrib]] <- as.character(changeto)
#                        if(is_tag) return(taglist[[1]])
#                        else return(taglist)
#                    }
#                }
#            }
#            if(is.null(attr_value)){
#                msg(glue("Can't find attribute `{attrib}`"), "warning")
#                return(NULL)
#            }
#        },
#        notify_list = list()
#    )

##' Imports for database handling classes
##' @importFrom R6 R6Class
##' @importFrom RSQLite dbDisconnect dbListTables dbWriteTable dbGetQuery
##' @importFrom RSQLite dbSendStatement dbGetRowsAffected
##' @importFrom RSQLite dbClearResult dbConnect SQLite
##' @importFrom dplyr tribble tbl collect pull
##' @importFrom openssl rsa_keygen encrypt_envelope decrypt_envelope

##' SPS database functions
##' @description Initiate this container at global level.
##' Methods in this class can help admin to
##' manage general information of SPS. For now it only stores some meta data and
##' the encryption key pairs. You can use this database to store
##' other useful things, like user password hash, IP, browsing info ...
##' A SQLite database by default is created inside `config` directory.
##' If not, you
##' can use `createDb` method to create one. On initiation, this class checks
##' if the default db is there and gives warnings if not.
##' One instance of this class is created by the [spsEncryption] super class in
##' *global.R*, normal users don't need to change anything.
##' @export
##' @examples
##' dir.create("config", showWarnings = FALSE)
##' mydb <- spsDb$new()
##' mydb$createDb()
##' mydb$queryValue("sps_meta")
##' mydb$queryInsert("sps_meta", value = "'new1', '1'")
##' mydb$queryValue("sps_meta")
##' mydb$queryInsert("sps_meta", value = c("'new2'", "'2'"))
##' mydb$queryValue("sps_meta")
##' mydb$queryUpdate("sps_meta", value = '234',
##'                  col = "value", WHERE = "info = 'new1'")
##' mydb$queryValue("sps_meta")
##' \dontrun{
##'     library(dplyr)
##'     mydb$queryValueDp(
##'         "sps_meta",
##'         dp_expr="filter(., info %in% c('new1', 'new2') %>% select(2)")
##' }
##' mydb$queryDel("sps_meta", WHERE = "value = '234'")
#spsDb <- R6::R6Class("spsDb",
#    public = list(
#        #' @description initialize a new class object
#        initialize = function(){
#            spsinfo("Created SPS database method container", verbose = TRUE)
#            on.exit(if(!is.null(con)) RSQLite::dbDisconnect(con))
#            fail_msg <- c("Can't find default SPS db. ",
#                          "Use `createDb` method",
#                          " to create new or be careful ",
#                          "to change default db_name ",
#                          "when you use other methods")
#            con <- private$dbConnect("config/sps.db")
#            if(is.null(con)){
#                spswarn(fail_msg)
#            } else if(!all(c("sps_raw", "sps_meta") %in%
#                           RSQLite::dbListTables(con))){
#                spsinfo("Connected, but tables missing, seems like a new db.",
#                        TRUE)
#                spsinfo("Use CreateDb method to create tables", TRUE)
#            } else {
#                spsinfo("Default SPS-db found and is working")
#            }
#        },
#        #' @description Create a SPS database
#        #'
#        #' @param db_name database path, you need to
#        #' manually create parent directory
#        #' if not exists
#        createDb = function(db_name="config/sps.db"){
#            on.exit(if(!is.null(con)) RSQLite::dbDisconnect(con))
#            if(!dir.exists(dirname(db_name)))
#                dir.create(dirname(db_name), recursive = TRUE)
#            con <- private$dbConnect(db_name)
#            if(is.null(con)){
#                spserror("Can't create db. Make sure your wd is writeable")
#            } else {
#                spsinfo("Creating SPS db...", TRUE)
#                sps_meta <- dplyr::tribble(
#                    ~info, ~value,
#                    "creation_date",
#                    as.character(format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d%H%M%S")),
#                )
#                RSQLite::dbWriteTable(con, 'sps_meta',
#                                      sps_meta, overwrite = TRUE)
#                spsinfo("Db write meta")
#                key <- private$genkey()
#                key_encode <- key %>% serialize(NULL)
#                sps_raw <- dplyr::tribble(
#                    ~info, ~value,
#                    "key", key_encode,
#                )
#                RSQLite::dbWriteTable(con, 'sps_raw', sps_raw, overwrite = TRUE)
#                spsinfo("Key generated and stored in db")
#                msg(c(glue("Db created at '{db_name}'. "),
#                      "DO NOT share this file with others"),
#                    "SPS-DANGER", "red")
#                msg(glue("Key md5 {glue_collapse(key$pubkey$fingerprint)}"),
#                    "SPS-INFO", "orange")
#            }
#        },
#        #' @description Query database
#        #'
#        #' @param db_name  database path
#        #' @param table  table name
#        #' @param SELECT  SQL select grammar
#        #' @param WHERE SQL select where
#        #' @return query result, usually a dataframe
#        queryValue = function(table, SELECT="*",
#                              WHERE="1", db_name="config/sps.db"){
#            on.exit(if(!is.null(con)) RSQLite::dbDisconnect(con))
#            con <- private$dbConnect(db_name)
#            if(is.null(con)){
#                spserror("Can't find db.")
#            } else {
#                results <- RSQLite::dbGetQuery(con, glue("
#                    SELECT {SELECT}
#                    FROM {table}
#                    WHERE {WHERE}
#                "))
#                spsinfo("Query sent")
#                return(results)
#            }
#        },
#        #' @description Query database with [dplyr] grammar
#        #'
#        #' Only supports simple selections, like comparison, %in%, `between()`,
#        #' `is.na()`, etc. Advanced selections like wildcard,
#        #' using outside dplyr functions like `[stringr::str_detect()]`,
#        #'  `[base::grepl()]` are not supported.
#        #'
#        #' @param db_name  database path
#        #' @param table  table name
#        #' @param dp_expr dplyr chained expression, must use '.' in first
#        #' component of the chain expression
#        #' @return query result, usually a tibble
#        queryValueDp = function(table, dp_expr="select(., everything())",
#                                 db_name="config/sps.db"){
#            on.exit(if(!is.null(con)) RSQLite::dbDisconnect(con))
#            con <- private$dbConnect(db_name)
#            if(is.null(con)){
#                msg("Can't find db.", "error")
#            } else {
#                results <- dplyr::tbl(con, table) %>%
#                    {rlang::eval_tidy(rlang::parse_expr(dp_expr))} %>%
#                    dplyr::collect()
#                spsinfo("Query sent")
#                return(results)
#            }
#        },
#        #' @description update(modify) the value in db
#        #'
#        #' @param db_name  database path
#        #' @param table  table name
#        #' @param value  new value
#        #' @param col  which column
#        #' @param WHERE SQL where statement, conditions to select rows
#        queryUpdate =  function(table, value, col,
#                                WHERE="1", db_name="config/sps.db"){
#            on.exit(if(!is.null(con)) RSQLite::dbDisconnect(con))
#            con <- private$dbConnect(db_name)
#            if(is.null(con)){
#                spserror("Can't find db.")
#            } else {
#                res <- RSQLite::dbSendStatement(con, glue(
#                    "UPDATE {table} SET {col}={value} WHERE {WHERE}"))
#                if({aff_rows <- RSQLite::dbGetRowsAffected(res)} == 0){
#                    spsinfo("No row updated", verbose = TRUE)
#                } else {
#                    spsinfo(glue("Updated {aff_rows} rows"), verbose = TRUE)
#                }
#                RSQLite::dbClearResult(res)
#            }
#        },
#        #' @description delete value in db
#        #'
#        #' @param db_name  database path
#        #' @param table  table name
#        #' @param WHERE SQL where statement, conditions to select rows
#        queryDel =  function(table, WHERE="1", db_name="config/sps.db"){
#            on.exit(if(!is.null(con)) RSQLite::dbDisconnect(con))
#            con <- private$dbConnect(db_name)
#            if(is.null(con)){
#                spserror("Can't find db.")
#            } else {
#                res <- RSQLite::dbSendStatement(con, glue(
#                    "DELETE FROM {table} WHERE {WHERE}"))
#                if({aff_rows <- RSQLite::dbGetRowsAffected(res)} == 0){
#                    spsinfo("No row deleted", verbose = TRUE)
#                } else {
#                    spsinfo(glue("Deleted {aff_rows} rows"), verbose = TRUE)
#                }
#                RSQLite::dbClearResult(res)
#            }
#        },
#        #' @description Insert value to db
#        #'
#        #' @param db_name  database path
#        #' @param table  table name
#        #' @param value  new values for the entire row
#        #' @param WHERE SQL where statement, conditions to select rows
#        queryInsert =  function(table, value, db_name="config/sps.db"){
#            on.exit(if(!is.null(con)) RSQLite::dbDisconnect(con))
#            con <- private$dbConnect(db_name)
#            if(is.null(con)){
#                msg("Can't find db.", "error")
#            } else {
#                value <- glue_collapse(value, sep = ", ")
#                res <- RSQLite::dbSendStatement(con, glue(
#                    "INSERT INTO {table} VALUES ({value})"))
#                if({aff_rows <- RSQLite::dbGetRowsAffected(res)} == 0){
#                    spswarn("No row inserted")
#                } else {
#                    spsinfo(glue("Inerted {aff_rows} rows"), verbose = TRUE)
#                }
#                RSQLite::dbClearResult(res)
#            }
#        }
#    ),
#    private = list(
#        dbConnect = function(db_name){
#            if(!is.character(db_name) | length(db_name) != 1)
#                spserror("Invalid db name")
#            con <- tryCatch(
#                RSQLite::dbConnect(
#                    RSQLite::SQLite(),
#                    normalizePath(db_name, mustWork = FALSE)
#                ),
#                error = function(e){
#                    spswarn(e)
#                    return(NULL)
#                }
#            )
#            spsinfo("Db connected")
#            return(con)
#        },
#        genkey = function(){
#            return(openssl::rsa_keygen())
#        }
#    )
##' SPS encryption functions
##' @description
##' Methods in this class can help admin to encrypt files been output from sps.
##' For now it is only used to encypt and decrypt snapshots.
##' This class requires the SPS database. This class inherits all functions from
##' the [spsDb] class, so there is no need to initiate the `spsDb` container.
##' This class is required to run a SPS app. This class needs to be initialized
##' global level. This has already been written in *global.R* for you.
##' @export
##' @examples
##' dir.create("config", showWarnings = FALSE)
##' spsOption('verbose', TRUE)
##' my_ecpt <- spsEncryption$new()
##' my_ecpt$createDb()
##' my_ecpt$keyChange()
##' # imagine a file has one line "test"
##' writeLines(text = "test", con = "test.txt")
##' # encrypt the file
##' my_ecpt$encrypt("test.txt", "test.bin", overwrite = TRUE)
##' # decrypt the file
##' my_ecpt$decrypt("test.bin", "test_decpt.txt", overwrite = TRUE)
##' # check the decrypted file content
##' readLines('test_decpt.txt')
#spsEncryption <- R6::R6Class(
#    "spsencrypt",
#    inherit = spsDb,
#    public = list(
#        #' @description initialize a new class container
#        initialize = function(){
#            spsinfo("Created SPS encryption method container", verbose = TRUE)
#            spsinfo("This container inherits all functions from spsDb class")
#            on.exit(if(!is.null(con)) RSQLite::dbDisconnect(con))
#            fail_msg <- c("Can't create default SPS db. ",
#                          "Default name 'config/sps.db'. Use `createDb` method",
#                          " to create new or be careful ",
#                          "to change default db_name ",
#                          "when you use other methods")
#            con <- private$dbConnect("config/sps.db")
#            if(is.null(con)){
#                spswarn(fail_msg)
#            } else if(!all(c("sps_raw", "sps_meta") %in%
#                           RSQLite::dbListTables(con))){
#                spsinfo("Connected, but tables missing, seems like a new db.")
#            } else {
#                spsinfo("Default SPS-db found and is working", verbose = TRUE)
#            }
#        },
#        #' @description Change encryption key of a SPS project
#        #'
#        #' @param db_name  database path
#        keyChange = function(db_name="config/sps.db"){
#            on.exit(if(!is.null(con)) RSQLite::dbDisconnect(con))
#            con <- private$dbConnect(db_name)
#            if(is.null(con)){
#                spserror("Can't find db.")
#            } else {
#                old_value <- tryCatch(
#                    RSQLite::dbGetQuery(con,
#                        "SELECT `value`
#                         FROM `sps_raw`
#                         WHERE (`info` = 'key')") %>% dplyr::pull() ,
#                    error = function(e){
#                        spswarn(e)
#                        return(NULL)
#                    }
#                )
#                if(length(old_value) == 0) msg("Not a standard sps db", "error")
#                key <- private$genkey()
#                key_encode <- key %>% serialize(NULL)
#                res <- RSQLite::dbSendStatement(con, glue(
#                    "UPDATE sps_raw SET value=x'{glue_collapse(key_encode)}'",
#                    "WHERE info='key'"))
#                if(RSQLite::dbGetRowsAffected(res) != 0){
#                    spsinfo("You new key has been generated and saved in db")
#                    msg(glue("md5 {glue_collapse(key$pubkey$fingerprint)}"),
#                        "SPS-INFO", "orange")
#                } else {spserror("Update key failed")}
#                RSQLite::dbClearResult(res)
#            }
#        },
#        #' @description Get encryption key from db of a SPS project
#        #'
#        #' @param db_name  database path
#        keyGet = function(db_name="config/sps.db"){
#            key <- self$queryValue(table = 'sps_raw', SELECT="value",
#                                   WHERE="info='key'", db_name) %>%
#                dplyr::pull() %>% unlist() %>% unserialize()
#                spsinfo(glue("OpenSSL key found md5",
#                             "{glue_collapse(key$pubkey$fingerprint)}"))
#            key
#        },
#        #' @description Encrypt raw data or a file with key from a SPS project
#        #'
#        #' @param data  raw vector or a file path
#        #' @param db_name  database path
#        #' @param out_path if provided, encrypted data will be write to a file
#        #' @param overwrite if `out_path` file exists, overwrite?
#        encrypt = function(data, out_path=NULL,
#                           overwrite = FALSE, db_name="config/sps.db"){
#            if (!is.null(out_path) & file.exists(out_path) & !overwrite) {
#                spserror(glue("File {normalizePath(out_path)} exists"))
#            }
#            key <- self$keyGet()
#            data_ecpt <- openssl::encrypt_envelope(data, key$pubkey)
#            class(data_ecpt) <- c(class(data_ecpt), "sps_ecpt")
#            spsinfo("Data encrypted")
#            if(is.null(out_path)) return(data_ecpt)
#            else saveRDS(data_ecpt, out_path)
#            spsinfo(glue("File write to {normalizePath(out_path)}"))
#            return(invisible(out_path))
#        },
#        #' @description Decrypt raw data or a file with key from a SPS project
#        #'
#        #' @param data  raw vector or a file path
#        #' @param out_path if provided, encrypted data will be write to a file
#        #' @param overwrite if `out_path` file exists, overwrite?
#        #' @param db_name  database path
#        decrypt = function(data, out_path=NULL,
#                           overwrite = FALSE, db_name="config/sps.db"){
#            if (!is.null(out_path) & file.exists(out_path) & !overwrite) {
#                spserror(glue("File {normalizePath(out_path)} exists"))
#            }
#            data <- tryCatch({
#                if (is.raw(data)) {data}
#                else if (all(is.character(data) & length(data) == 1)) {
#                    content <- readRDS(normalizePath(data, mustWork = TRUE))
#                    spsinfo("File read into memory")
#                    content
#                }
#                else {spserror("data must be raw or a valid file")}
#                }, error = function(e){
#                    spswarn(e)
#                    spserror("Not a standard SPS encrypted object")
#                })
#            if(!inherits(data, "sps_ecpt"))
#                spserror("Not a standard SPS encrypted object")
#            key <- self$keyGet()
#            data_dcpt <- tryCatch({
#                suppressWarnings(
#                    openssl::decrypt_envelope(
#                        data$data,
#                        iv = data$iv,
#                        session =data$session,
#                        key = key))
#                },  error = function(e){
#                    spswarn(e)
#                    spserror("Cannot decrypt this file")
#                })
#            spsinfo("Data decrypted")
#            if(is.null(out_path)) return(data_dcpt)
#            else {
#                writeBin(object = data_dcpt, con = out_path)
#            }
#            spsinfo(glue("File write to {normalizePath(out_path)}"))
#            return(invisible(out_path))
#        }
#    )

Try the systemPipeShiny package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

systemPipeShiny documentation built on March 16, 2021, 6:01 p.m.