
## If you use some bioconductor package:
# options(repos = BiocManager::repositories())

## if you use develop version of bioconductor packages, do following:
## if current release is 3.12 and you want use 3.13 devel
# repos <- BiocManager::repositories()
# devel <- "3.13"
# repos[length(repos) + 1] <- paste0("", devel, "/bioc")
# names(repos)[length(repos)] <- "BioC"
# options(repos = repos)
# getOption("repos")

## Set up your account:

## Replace the following arguments:
## you can find them on when you create an account
## - username: Name of account to save or remove
## - token: User token for the account
## - secret: User secret for the account

# setAccountInfo(name="username", token="token", secret="secret")

## Deploy:

# getOption("repos")
# rsconnect::deployApp(
#     appName = "systemPipeShiny",
#     account = "username",
#     lint = TRUE
#     )

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systemPipeShiny documentation built on March 16, 2021, 6:01 p.m.