Man pages for AATtools
Reliability and Scoring Routines for the Approach-Avoidance Task

aat_bootstrapCompute bootstrapped approach-bias scores
aat_computeCompute simple AAT scores
aat_covreliabilityCompute a dataset's reliability from its covariance matrix
aat_simulateSimulate AAT datasets and predict parameters
aat_splithalfCompute the bootstrapped split-half reliability for...
aat_stimulus_restCompute stimulus-rest correlations of double-difference...
aat_stimulusscoresCompute stimulus-specific bias scores Computes mean...
AlgorithmsAAT score computation algorithms
cormeanCompute a minimally biased average of correlation values
correlation-toolsCorrelation tools
covEMCovariance matrix computation with multiple imputation
covrelCovariance Matrix-Based Reliability Coefficients
eroticaAAT examining approach bias for erotic stimuli
PreprocessingPre-processing rules
q_reliabilityCompute psychological experiment reliability
splitrelSplit Half-Based Reliability Coefficients
AATtools documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:40 p.m.