Man pages for ACNE
Affymetrix SNP Probe-Summarization using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization

ACNE-packagePackage ACNE
fitSnpNmfNon-negative matrix factorization (NMF) of a matrix...
fitSnpNmfArrayAllele-specific copy number estimation using non-negative...
NmfPlmThe NmfPlm class
NmfSnpPlmThe NmfSnpPlm class
Non-documented_objectsNon-documented objects
plot.SnpNmfFitGenerates a multi-panel plot summarizing the NMF SNP fit
pseudoinverseCalculates the pseudo inverse of a matrix
removeOutliersRemoves outliers in matrix containing SNP signals
robustHInitRobust initialization of the H (copy number) matrix
robustWInitRobust initialization of the W (affinity) matrix
snpArrayToMatrixReshapes SNP data in matrix form to array form and vice versa
WHInitInitialization of the W and H matrices
ACNE documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:33 p.m.