Man pages for AQuadtree
Confidentiality of Spatial Point Data

AQuadtree-classClass "AQuadtree".
AQuadtree-packageAQuadtree: A package to anonymise spatial points data.
area.QTarea.QT AQuadtree-method
BarcelonaCensusTractsCensus tract borders of Barcelona city in Catalonia.
BarcelonaPopRadomly created population points for Barcelona city in...
CharlestonCensusTractsCensus tract borders of Charleston, SC MSA, USA.
CharlestonPopRadomly created population points for Charleston, SC MSA,...
createAQuadtreeCreate a Quadtree grid to anonymise spatial point data
createGridCreate a Grid grid covering a given geographic zone.[ AQuadtree-method
joinAQuadtreesJoin two AQuadtree objects from the same area, to compare...
mergeMerge an AQuadtree object with a data.frame
plotplot AQuadtree-method
pointsToAQuadtreeAdd SpatialPoints to an AQuadtree obtject.
printprint AQuadtree-method[<- AQuadtree-method
showshow AQuadtree-method
spatialPointsCellCodesAdd cell identifiers to SpatialPoints as in INSPIRE...
splitCellNumSplit CellNum sequence into a vector
spplotspplot AQuadtree-method
summarysummary AQuadtree-method
AQuadtree documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:44 p.m.