createGrid: Create a Grid grid covering a given geographic zone.

View source: R/createGrid.R

createGridR Documentation

Create a Grid grid covering a given geographic zone.


createGrid returns a SpatialPolygons object representing a grid covering a given geographic zone following the INSPIRE Specification on Geographical Grid Systems. Each polygon will be identified with it's CellCode code.


createGrid(zone, dim = 1000, intersect = TRUE, outline = FALSE)



object of class "SpatialPoints", "SpatialPointsDataFrame", "SpatialPolygons" or "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame" specifying the zone to be covered by the grid.


a single integer specifying the initial cell sizes in meters, defaults to 1000.


logical, if TRUE the resulting grid will be intersected with the given zone. If zone is of class SpatialPoints, only cells containing points will be kept on the resulting grid. If zone is of class SpatialPolygons, only cells inside or partially inside polygons in zone will be kept on the resulting grid. Defaults to TRUE


logical, if TRUE the resulting grid will be clipped with the outlines of the given zone. Only applicable if zone is of class SpatialPolygons. Defaults to FALSE


INSPIRE Specification on Geographical Grid Systems
The objective of the coding system is to generate unique identifiers for each point, for any of the recommended resolutions.
The cellCode is a text string, composed of cell size and cell coordinates. Cell codes start with the cell's size prefix. The cell size is denoted in meter (m) for cell sizes below 1000m and kilometre (km) for cell sizes from 1000m and above.
Examples: a 100 meter cell has an identifier starting with “100m”, the identifier of a 10000 meter cell starts with “10km”.
The coordinate part of the cell code reflects the distance of the lower left grid cell corner from the false origin of the CRS. In order to reduce the length of the string, Easting (E) and Northing (N) values are divided by 10^n (n is the number of zeros in the cell size value). Example for a cell size of 10000 meters: The number of zeros in the cell size value is 4. The resulting divider for Easting and Northing values is 10^4 = 10000.


SpatialPolygons dataset representing a grid with squared cells of the given size.

See Also



## Not run: 
BarcelonaPop.INSPIRE_GRID.10km<-createGrid(BarcelonaPop, 10000, intersect=FALSE)

Barcelona.INSPIRE_GRID<-createGrid(BarcelonaCensusTracts, outline=TRUE)

## End(Not run)

AQuadtree documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:44 p.m.