f.ica.fmri.gui: tcltk GUI to apply ICA to fMRI datasets

Description Usage Details Value Author(s) See Also

View source: R/analyzeFMRI.R


The GUI provides a quick and easy to use interface for applying spatial ICA to fMRI datasets. Computations are done in C for speed and low memory usage.




The user is required to enter the location of the fMRI dataset (stored in the ANALYZE format) and (optionally) a mask for the dataset. If no mask is supplied then an option to create mask is available. There is option to normalize the columns of the data matrix and to exclude the top and bottom slices (which are sometimes affected by the registration procedures).

Once completed, the user has the option of saving the results to an R object or viewing the estimated components. The slices of each component map are plotted sequentially in a grid followed by the components associated time-course and that time-courses periodogram/power spectrum.


User named R object (optional)

Once completed, the user has the option of saving the results to an R object named by the user.


J L Marchini <marchini@stats.ox.ac.uk> and C Heaton <chrisheaton99@yahoo.com>

See Also


AnalyzeFMRI documentation built on Oct. 5, 2021, 5:06 p.m.