Anthropometry-internalPlotTree: Several internal functions used to build the HIPAM plot tree

Anthropometry-internalPlotTreeR Documentation

Several internal functions used to build the HIPAM plot tree


This file contains two subfunctions called by the plotTreeHipamAnthropom function. Therefore, they are not used directly. These functions are the same as those called by the plot.tree function of the smida R package (Wit et al. (2006)).


All these functions were originally created by E. Wit et al., and they are available freely on


Vinue, G., Leon, T., Alemany, S., and Ayala, G., (2014). Looking for representative fit models for apparel sizing, Decision Support Systems 57, 22–33.

Wit, E., and McClure, J., (2004). Statistics for Microarrays: Design, Analysis and Inference. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Wit, E., and McClure, J., (2006). Statistics for Microarrays: Inference, Design and Analysis. R package version 0.1.

See Also

plotTreeHipamAnthropom, hipamAnthropom

Anthropometry documentation built on March 7, 2023, 6:58 p.m.