database_endpoint: Endpoints for communicating with a Kusto database

kusto_database_endpointR Documentation

Endpoints for communicating with a Kusto database


Endpoints for communicating with a Kusto database


  .connection_string = NULL,
  .query_token = NULL,
  .use_integer64 = FALSE



Named arguments which are the properties for the endpoint object. See 'Details' below for the properties that AzureKusto recognises.


An alternative way of specifying the properties, as a database connection string. Properties supplied here override those in ... if they overlap.


Optionally, an Azure Active Directory (AAD) token to authenticate with. If this is supplied, it overrides other tokens specified in ... or in the connection string.


For kusto_database_endpoint, whether to convert columns with Kusto long datatype into 64-bit integers in R, using the bit64 package. If FALSE, represent them as numeric instead.


This is a list of properties recognised by kusto_database_endpoint, and their alternate names. Property names not in this list will generate an error. Note that not all properties that are recognised are currently supported by AzureKusto.

General properties:

  • server: The URI of the server, usually of the form ''.

    • addr, address, network address, datasource, host

  • database: The database.

    • initialcatalog, dbname

  • tenantid: The AAD tenant name or ID to authenticate with.

    • authority

  • appclientid: The AAD app/service principal ID

    • applicationclientid

  • traceclientversion: The client version for tracing.

  • queryconsistency: The level of query consistency. Defaults to "weakconsistency".

  • response_dynamic_serialization: How to serialize dynamic responses.

  • response_dynamic_serialization_2: How to serialize dynamic responses.

User authentication properties:

  • password

  • user: The user name.

    • uid, userid

  • traceusername: The user name for tracing.

  • usertoken: The AAD token for user authentication.

    • usertoken, usrtoken

  • fed: Logical, whether federated authentication is enabled. Currently unsupported; if this is TRUE, kusto_database_endpoint will print a warning and ignore it.

    • federated security, federated, aadfed, aadfederatedsecurity

App authentication properties:

  • appkey: The secret key for the app.

    • applicationkey

  • traceappname: The AAD app for tracing.

  • apptoken: The AAD token for app authentication.

    • apptoken, applicationtoken

Currently, AzureKusto only supports authentication via Azure Active Directory. Authenticating with DSTS is planned for the future.

The way kusto_database_endpoint obtains an AAD token is as follows.

  1. If the .query_token argument is supplied, use it.

  2. Otherwise, if the usertoken property is supplied, use it.

  3. Otherwise, if the apptoken property is supplied, use it.

  4. Otherwise, if the appclientid property is supplied, use it to obtain a token:

    • With the user and pwd properties if available

    • Or with the appkey property if available

    • Otherwise do an interactive authentication and ask for the user credentials

  5. Otherwise, if no appclientid property is supplied, authenticate with the KustoClient app:

    • With the user and pwd properties if available

    • Otherwise do an interactive authentication and ask for the user credentials using a device code


An object of class kusto_database_endpoint.

See Also

run_query, az_kusto_database


## Not run: 

kusto_database_endpoint(server="", database="db1")

# supplying a token obtained previously
token <- get_kusto_token("")
kusto_database_endpoint(server="", database="db1",

## End(Not run)

AzureKusto documentation built on Oct. 12, 2023, 5:11 p.m.