snapshot: Create, list and delete blob snapshots

create_blob_snapshotR Documentation

Create, list and delete blob snapshots


Create, list and delete blob snapshots


create_blob_snapshot(container, blob, ...)

list_blob_snapshots(container, blob)

delete_blob_snapshot(container, blob, snapshot, confirm = TRUE)



A blob container.


The path/name of a blob.


For create_blob_snapshot, an optional list of name-value pairs that will be treated as the metadata for the snapshot. If no metadata is supplied, the metadata for the base blob is copied to the snapshot.


For delete_blob_snapshot, the specific snapshot to delete. This should be a datetime string, in the format yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS.SSSSSSSZ. To delete all snapshots for the blob, set this to "all".


Whether to ask for confirmation on deleting a blob's snapshots.


Blobs can have snapshots associated with them, which are the contents and optional metadata for the blob at a given point in time. A snapshot is identified by the date and time on which it was created.

create_blob_snapshot creates a new snapshot, list_blob_snapshots lists all the snapshots, and delete_blob_snapshot deletes a given snapshot or all snapshots for a blob.

Note that snapshots are only supported if the storage account does NOT have hierarchical namespaces enabled.


For create_blob_snapshot, the datetime string that identifies the snapshot.

For list_blob_snapshots a vector of such strings, or NULL if the blob has no snapshots.

See Also

Other AzureStor functions that support blob snapshots by passing a snapshot argument: download_blob, get_storage_properties, get_storage_metadata


## Not run: 

cont <- blob_container("", key="access_key")

snap_id <- create_blob_snapshot(cont, "myfile", tag1="value1", tag2="value2")

list_blob_snapshots(cont, "myfile")

get_storage_properties(cont, "myfile", snapshot=snap_id)

# returns list(tag1="value1", tag2="value2")
get_storage_metadata(cont, "myfile", snapshot=snap_id)

download_blob(cont, "myfile", snapshot=snap_id)

# delete all snapshots
delete_blob_snapshots(cont, "myfile", snapshot="all")

## End(Not run)

AzureStor documentation built on May 25, 2022, 9:11 a.m.