
Defines functions .onLoad get_vm_cert in_azure_vm update_scheduled_events update_attested_metadata update_instance_metadata

Documented in get_vm_cert in_azure_vm update_attested_metadata update_instance_metadata update_scheduled_events

metadata_host <- httr::parse_url("")
inst_api_version <- "2019-02-01"
att_api_version <- "2018-10-01"
ev_api_version <- "2017-11-01"

#' Metadata for an Azure VM
#' @param nonce For `update_attested_metadata`, an optional string to use as a nonce.
#' @details
#' The `instance`, `attested` and `events` environments contain the instance metadata, attested metadata, and scheduled events respectively for a VM running in Azure. `instance` and `attested` are automatically populated when you load the AzureVMmetadata package, or you can manually populate them yourself with the `update_instance_metadata` and `update_attested_metadata` functions. `events` is not populated at package startup, because calling the scheduled event service can require up to several minutes if it is not running already. You can manually populate it with the `update_scheduled_events` function.
#' If AzureVMmetadata is loaded in an R session that is _not_ running in an Azure VM, all the metadata environments will be empty.
#' @return
#' The updating functions return the contents of their respective environments as lists, invisibly.
#' @format
#' `instance`, `attested` and `events` are environments.
#' @seealso
#' [in_azure_vm]
#' [Instance metadata service documentation](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/windows/instance-metadata-service)
#' To obtain OAuth tokens from the metadata service, see [AzureAuth::get_managed_token]
#' @examples
#' ## these will only be meaningful when run in an Azure VM
#' # all compute metadata
#' AzureVMmetadata::instance$compute
#' # VM name and ID
#' AzureVMmetadata::instance$compute$name
#' AzureVMmetadata::instance$compute$vmId
#' # VM resource details: subscription, resource group, resource ID
#' AzureVMmetadata::instance$compute$subscriptionId
#' AzureVMmetadata::instance$compute$resourceGroupName
#' AzureVMmetadata::instance$compute$resourceId
#' # all network metadata
#' AzureVMmetadata::instance$network
#' # IPv4 address details (1st network interface)
#' AzureVMmetadata::instance$network$interface[[1]]$ipv4
#' @rdname metadata
#' @export
instance <- new.env()

#' @rdname metadata
#' @export
attested <- new.env()

#' @rdname metadata
#' @export
events <- new.env()

#' @rdname metadata
#' @export
update_instance_metadata <- function()
    metadata_host$path <- "metadata/instance"
    metadata_host$query <- list(`api-version`=att_api_version)
    res <- try(httr::GET(metadata_host, httr::add_headers(metadata=TRUE)), silent=TRUE)

    if(!inherits(res, "response") || res$status_code > 299)

    inst <- httr::content(res)
    for(x in names(inst))
        instance[[x]] <- inst[[x]]

#' @rdname metadata
#' @export
update_attested_metadata <- function(nonce=NULL)
    metadata_host$path <- "metadata/attested/document"
    metadata_host$query <- list(`api-version`=att_api_version, nonce=nonce)
    res <- try(httr::GET(metadata_host, httr::add_headers(metadata=TRUE)), silent=TRUE)

    if(!inherits(res, "response") || res$status_code > 299)

    att <- httr::content(res)
    for(x in names(att))
        attested[[x]] <- att[[x]]

#' @rdname metadata
#' @export
update_scheduled_events <- function()
    metadata_host$path <- "metadata/scheduledevents"
    metadata_host$query <- list(`api-version`=ev_api_version)
    res <- try(httr::GET(metadata_host, httr::add_headers(metadata=TRUE)), silent=TRUE)

    if(!inherits(res, "response") || res$status_code > 299)

    ev <- httr::content(res)
    for(x in names(ev))
        events[[x]] <- ev[[x]]

#' Check if R is running in an Azure VM
#' @param nonce An optional string to use as a nonce.
#' @details
#' These functions check if R is running in an Azure VM by attempting to contact the instance metadata host. `in_azure_vm` simply returns TRUE or FALSE based on whether it succeeds. `get_vm_cert` provides a stronger check, by retrieving the VM's certificate and throwing an error if this is not found. Note that you should still verify the certificate's authenticity before relying on it.
#' @return
#' For `in_azure_vm`, a boolean. For `get_vm_cert`, a PKCS-7 certificate object.
#' @export
in_azure_vm <- function()
    obj <- try(httr::GET(metadata_host), silent=TRUE)
    inherits(obj, "response") && httr::status_code(obj) == 400

#' @rdname in_azure_vm
#' @export
get_vm_cert <- function(nonce=NULL)
        stop("No certificate found", call.=FALSE)


.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname)

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AzureVMmetadata documentation built on Oct. 23, 2020, 8:27 p.m.