Man pages for BAS
Bayesian Variable Selection and Model Averaging using Bayesian Adaptive Sampling

BASBAS: Bayesian Model Averaging using Bayesian Adaptive...
bas.glmBayesian Adaptive Sampling Without Replacement for Variable...
bas.lmBayesian Adaptive Sampling for Bayesian Model Averaging and...
bayesglm.fitFitting Generalized Linear Models and Bayesian marginal...
Bayes.outlierBayesian Outlier Detection
BernoulliIndependent Bernoulli Prior Distribution for Models
Bernoulli.heredityIndependent Bernoulli prior on models that with constraints...
beta.binomialBeta-Binomial Prior Distribution for Models
beta.primeBeta-Prime Prior Distribution for Coefficients in BMA Model
bodyfatBodyfat Data
CCHGeneralized g-Prior Distribution for Coefficients in BMA...
climateClimate Data
coefCoefficients of a Bayesian Model Average object
confint.coefCompute Credible Intervals for BAS regression coefficients...
confint.predCompute Credible (Bayesian Confidence) Intervals for a BAS...
cv.summary.basSummaries for Out of Sample Prediction
diagnosticsBAS MCMC diagnostic plot
EB.globalFind the global Empirical Bayes estimates for BMA
EB.localEmpirical Bayes Prior Distribution for Coefficients in BMA...
eplogprobeplogprob - Compute approximate marginal inclusion...
eplogprob.margeplogprob.marg - Compute approximate marginal inclusion...
fittedFitted values for a BAS BMA objects
force.heredity.basPost processing function to force constraints on interaction...
g.priorFamilies of G-Prior Distribution for Coefficients in BMA...
HaldHald Data
hyper.gHyper-g-Prior Distribution for Coefficients in BMA Models
hypergeometric1F1Confluent hypergeometric1F1 function
hypergeometric2F1Gaussian hypergeometric2F1 function
hyper.g.nGeneralized hyper-g/n Prior Distribution for g for mixtures...
IC.priorInformation Criterion Families of Prior Distribution for...
image.basImages of models used in Bayesian model averaging
intrinsicIntrinsic Prior Distribution for Coefficients in BMA Models
JeffreysJeffreys Prior Distribution for $g$ for Mixtures of g-Priors...
list2matrixCoerce a BAS list object into a matrix.
list2matrix.whichCoerce a BAS list object into a matrix.
phi1Compound Confluent hypergeometric function of two variables
plotPlot Diagnostics for an BAS Object
plot.coefPlots the posterior distributions of coefficients derived...
plot.confintPlot Bayesian Confidence Intervals
predict.basPrediction Method for an object of class BAS
predict.basglmPrediction Method for an Object of Class basglm
print.basPrint a Summary of Bayesian Model Averaging objects from BAS
proteinProtein Activity Data
robustRobust-Prior Distribution for Coefficients in BMA Model
summarySummaries of Bayesian Model Averaging objects from BAS
tCCHGeneralized tCCH g-Prior Distribution for Coefficients in BMA...
testBF.priorTest based Bayes Factors for BMA Models
TGGeneralized g-Prior Distribution for Coefficients in BMA...
tr.beta.binomialTruncated Beta-Binomial Prior Distribution for Models
trCCHTruncated Compound Confluent Hypergeometric function
tr.poissonTruncated Poisson Prior Distribution for Models
tr.power.priorTruncated Power Prior Distribution for Models
uniformUniform Prior Distribution for Models
updateUpdate BAS object using a new prior
variable.names.pred.basExtract the variable names for a model from a BAS prediction...
which.matrixCoerce a BAS list object of models into a matrix.
BAS documentation built on Sept. 30, 2024, 9:19 a.m.