BBMV-package: Models for Continuous Traits Evolving in Macroevolutionary...

Description Details Author(s) References


Provides a set of functions to fit general macroevolutionary models for continuous traits evolving in adaptive landscapes of any shape. This package implements the Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov model (FPK), in which the trait evolves under random diffusion but is also subject to a force that pulls it towards specific values - this force can be of any shape. FPK has a version in which hard reflective bounds exist at the extremes of the trait interval: this second model is called BBMV.


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Florian C. Boucher Maintainer: Florian C. Boucher <>


Inferring bounded evolution in phenotypic characters from phylogenetic comparative data. F.C. Boucher and V. Demery. Systematic Biology, 65, 651-661, 2016

A general model for estimating macroevolutionary landscapes from phylogenetic comparative data. F.C. Boucher, V. Demery, E. Conti, L. J. Harmon and J. Uyeda. Systematic Biology, syx075,

BBMV documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:26 p.m.