Man pages for BCEA
Bayesian Cost Effectiveness Analysis

add_contour_quadrantsAdd Contour Quadrants
add_contoursAdd Contours to Base R Plot
bceaCreate Bayesian Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Object
BCEA-deprecatedDeprecated functions in package 'BCEA'.
BCEA-packageBCEA: Bayesian Cost Effectiveness Analysis
best_interv_given_kOptimal intervention
ceac_matplotCEAC Matrix Plot
ceac.plotCost-Effectiveness Acceptability Curve (CEAC) Plot
ceac_plot_graphCost-Effectiveness Acceptability Curve (CEAC) Plot By Graph...
ceaf.plotCost-Effectiveness Acceptability Frontier (CEAF) plot
ceef.plotCost-Effectiveness Efficiency Frontier (CEEF) Plot
ceef_plot_graphCost-effectiveness Efficiency Frontier Plot By Graph Device
ceef.summarySummary table for CEEF
ceplane_geom_paramsExtract Separate Parameter Sets
ceplane_ggplot_paramsCE-plane ggplot Parameters
ceplane.plotCost-effectiveness Plane Plot
ceplane_plot_graphCost-Effectiveness Plane Plot By Graph Device
CEriskav_assignCost-effectiveness Analysis Including a Parameter of Risk...
CEriskav_plot_graphCost-effectiveness Plot Including a Parameter of Risk...
ce_tableCost-effectiveness summary statistics table
comp_names_from_Comparison Names From
compute_CEACCompute Cost-Effectiveness Acceptability Curve
compute_ceafCompute Cost-Effectiveness Acceptability Frontier
compute_EIBCompute Expected Incremental Benefit
compute_eib_criCalculate Credible Intervals
compute_EVICompute Expected Value of Information
compute_IBCompute Incremental Benefit
compute_ICERCompute Incremental Cost-Effectiveness Ratio
compute_kstarCompute k^*
compute_olCompute Opportunity Loss
compute_p_best_intervCompute Probability Best Intervention
compute_UCompute U Statistic
compute_UbarCompute NB for mixture of interventions
compute_UstarCompute Ustar Statistic
compute_viCompute Value of Information
contourContour Plots for the Cost-Effectiveness Plane
contour2Specialised CE-plane Contour Plot
contour_ggplot_paramsContour ggplot Parameters
contour_graphContour Cost-Effectiveness Plane
convert_pts_to_mmUse from Base R to ggplot
createInputsCreate Inputs for EVPI Calculation
diag.evppiDiagnostic Plots For The Results Of The EVPPI
eib_params_baseEIB parameters specific to base R plot
eib_params_criEIB Parameters CrI
eib.plotExpected Incremental Benefit (EIB) Plot
eib_plot_graphExpected Incremental Benefit Plot By Graph Device
evi.plotExpected Value of Information (EVI) Plot
evi_plot_graphExpected Value of Information Plot By Graph Device
evi.plot.mixedAnEVI Plot of the Health Economic Analysis For Mixed Analysis
evppiExpected Value of Perfect Partial Information (EVPPI) for...
evppi_plot_graphPlot Expected Value of Partial Information With Respect to a...
evppi_qq_plotQ-Q Plot
evppi_residual_plotResidual Plot
geom_criCredible interval ggplot geom
geom_quad_txtGeom Quadrant Text
get_fitted_Get fitted values from evppi object
ib.plotIncremental Benefit (IB) Distribution Plot
ib_plot_graphIB plot base R version
info.rankInformation-Rank Plot for bcea Class
info_rank_graphInfo Rank Plot By Graph Device
inforank_paramsPrepare Info Rank plot parameters
is.bceaCheck bcea Class
kstar_vlinesPrepare K-star vertical lines
line_labelsCreate Labels for Plot
loo_rankLeave-one-out ranking
make_legend_plotlyLegend Positioning
make.reportMake Report
mce.plotPlots the probability that each intervention is the most...
mixedAn-setCost-Effectiveness Analysis When Multiple (Possibly...
multi.ceCost-effectiveness Analysis With Multiple Comparison
multiplotPlot Multiple bcea Graphs
new_bceaConstructor for bcea
num_linesGet number of lines
openPDFAutomatically open pdf output using default pdf viewer
plot.bceaSummary Plot of the Health Economic Analysis
plot.CEriskavPlots EIB and EVPI for the Risk Aversion Case
plot_eib_criPlot Credible Intervals
plot.evppiPlot Expected Value of Partial Information With Respect to a...
prep_ceplane_paramsPrepare CE-plane Parameters
prep_eib_paramsPrepare EIB plot parameters
prep_frontier_dataPrepare frontier data
print.bceabcea Print Method
quadrant_paramsQuadrant Parameters requires just a single comparison group
quietAllow disabling of the cat messages
select_plot_typeChoose Graphical Engine
setComparisonsSet Comparisons Group
setComparisons_assignSet Comparison Group
setKmax_assignSet Maximum Willingness to Pay
setReferenceGroup_assignSet Reference Group
sim_tableTable of Simulation Statistics for the Health Economic Model
SmokingData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of...
struct.psaStructural Probability Sensitivity Analysis
summary.bceaSummary Method for Objects of Class 'bcea'
summary.mixedAnSummary Methods For Objects in the Class 'mixedAn' (Mixed...
summary.pairwiseSummary Method for Objects of Class 'pairwise'
tabulate_meansCalculate Dataset For ICERs From bcea Object
theme_bceabcea theme ggplot2
VaccineData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of...
validate_bceaValidate bcea
validate_eib_paramsValidate EIB parameters
BCEA documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:08 a.m.