
#' @title Create a monthly or quarterly dummy 
#' @description Returns a monthly or quarterly dummy (a time series with only 0s and 1s). 
#' @param start An \code{integer vector}. The period of the first observation. The first element of the \code{vector} specifies the year of the first observation, whereas the second, the month (for monthly dummies) or quarter (for quarterly dummies)
#' @param end An \code{integer vector}. The period of the last observation. The first element of the \code{vector} specifies the year of the last observation, whereas the second, the month (for monthly dummies) or quarter (for quarterly dummies)
#' @param frequency An \code{integer}. The frequency of the dummy, that is, the number of observations per unit of time. The defaulf is 12 (a monthly dummy).
#' @param year An \code{integer}, a \code{seq} or a \code{vector}. The years for which the dummy must be set to 1. All periods of these years will be set to 1.
#' @param month An \code{integer}, a \code{seq} or a \code{vector}. The months for which the dummy must be set to 1. These months will be set to 1 for all years.
#' @param quarter An \code{integer}, a \code{seq} or a \code{vector}. The quarters for which the dummy must be set to 1. The quarters will be set to 1 for all years.
#' @param date a \code{list}. The periods for which the dummy must be set to one. Periods must be represented as {integer vectors}, as described for \code{start} and \code{end}.
#' @param from An \code{integer vector} The starting period of a sequence of perids for which the dummy must be set to one. Periods must be represented as {integer vectors}, as described for \code{start} and \code{end}. 
#' @param to The ending period of a sequence of perids for which the dummy must be set to one. Periods must be represented as {integer vectors}, as described for \code{start} and \code{end}.
#' @return A monthly or a quarterly \code{ts} object.
#' @examples 
#' #1 from a specific date to another specific date
#' dummy(start = c(2000,1),end = c(2012,5),frequency = 12,from = c(2005,1),to = c(2006,12))
#' #Other options that may be helpful:
#' #over a month equal to 1
#' dummy(start = c(2000,1), end = c(2012,5), frequency = 12, month = c(5,12))
#' #Months equal to 1 only for some year
#' dummy(start = c(2000,1), end = c(2012,5), frequency = 12, month = 5, year = 2010)
#' dummy(start = c(2000,1), end = c(2012,5), frequency = 12, month = 8, year = 2002)
#' #Months equal to 1 only for some years
#' dummy(start = c(2000,1), end = c(2012,5), frequency = 12, month = 5, year = 2005:2007)
#' dummy(start = c(2000,1), end = c(2012,5), frequency = 12, month = 3, year = c(2005,2007))
#' dummy(start = c(2000,1), end = c(2012,5), frequency = 12, month = 5:6, year = c(2005,2007))
#' #specific dates
#' dummy(start = c(2000,1), end = c(2012,5), frequency = 12, date = list(c(2010,1)))
#' dummy(start = c(2000,1), end = c(2012,5), 
#'     freq = 12, date = list(c(2010,9), c(2011,1), c(2000,1)) )
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{ts}}, \code{\link[BETS]{dummy}}
#' @importFrom zoo as.Date
#' @export

dummy <- function(start = NULL, end = NULL, frequency = 12,
                  year = NULL, month = NULL, quarter = NULL,  
                  date = NULL, from = NULL, to = NULL){
  if(is.null(frequency) | !(frequency %in% c(4,12))){
    stop("Set freq as 12 for monthly series or 4 for quarterly series")
  if(is.null(start)){ stop("Set start")}
  if(is.null(end)){ stop("Set end")}
  ts <- ts(0, start = start, end = end, freq = frequency)
  years <- as.numeric(substr(as.Date(ts),1,4))
  if(frequency == 12){  
    months <- as.numeric(substr(as.Date(ts),6,7))  
    if(is.null(date) & is.null(from)){
        ts[months %in% month] <- 1
        ts[months %in% month & years %in% year] <- 1
    }else if(!is.null(date)){
      n <- length(date)
      months0 <- unlist(date)[seq(2, 2*n, by = 2)]
      years0 <- unlist(date)[seq(1, 2*n, by = 2)]
      for(i in 1:n){
        ts[months0[i] == months & years0[i] == years] <- 1
    }else if(!is.null(from)){
      months0 <- from[2]
      years0 <- from[1]
        months1 <- to[2]
        years1 <- to[1]
        months1 <- months[length(months)]
        years1 <- years[length(years)]
      ts[which(months0 == months & years0 == years):
           which(months1 == months & years1 == years)] <- 1
  }else if(frequency == 4){  
    quarters <- as.numeric(substr(as.Date(ts),6,7))
    quarters[quarters == 4] <- 2
    quarters[quarters == 7] <- 3
    quarters[quarters == 10] <- 4  
    if(is.null(date) & is.null(from)){
        ts[quarters %in% quarter] <- 1
        ts[quarters %in% quarter & years %in% year] <- 1
    }else if(!is.null(date)){
      n <- length(date) 
      quarters0 <- unlist(date)[seq(2, 2*n, by = 2)]
      years0 <- unlist(date)[seq(1, 2*n, by = 2)]
      for(i in 1:n){
        ts[quarters0[i] == quarters & years0[i] == years] <- 1
    }else if(!is.null(from)){
      quarters0 <- from[2]
      years0 <- from[1]
        quarters1 <- to[2]
        years1 <- to[1]
        quarters1 <- quarters[length(quarters)]
        years1 <- years[length(years)]
      ts[which(quarters0 == quarters & years0 == years):
           which(quarters1 == quarters & years1 == years)] <- 1

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BETS documentation built on May 1, 2019, 7:48 p.m.