
Defines functions orderMaxMinFast orderMaxMinLocal createGrid simulateGrid

simulateGrid <- function(nvec,jittersize=0){
  n <- prod(nvec)
  d <- length(nvec)
  gridlocs <- createGrid(nvec)
  u <- matrix(runif(n*d)-1/2,n,d) %*% diag(jittersize/nvec)
  locs <- gridlocs + u

createGrid <- function(nvec){

  if(missing(nvec) || length(nvec) == 0) stop("Must supply grid dimensions")
  d <- length(nvec)
  n <- prod(nvec)
  gridlocs <- matrix(0,n,d)
  for(j in 1:d){
    perm <- (1:d)[-j]
    perm <- c(j,perm)
    tempvec <- nvec[-j]
    tempvec <- c(nvec[j],tempvec)
    a1 <- ((1:nvec[j])-1/2)/nvec[j]
    a2 <- rep(a1,n/nvec[j])
    a3 <- array(a2,tempvec)
    a4 <- aperm(a3,perm)
    gridlocs[,j] <- c(a4)

orderMaxMinLocal <- function(locs){

  n <- dim(locs)[1]
  # number of grid boxes in each dimension.
  # could be changed but probably should remain proportional to sqrt(n)
  nside <- ceiling( 1/8*sqrt(n) )

  # like in NN search, indcube holds the indices of points within
  # each gridbox
  eps <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
  indcube <- array(0,c(nside,nside,ceiling(5*n/nside^2)))  # perhaps change to 5
  lims <- matrix( c(apply(locs,2,min)-eps, apply(locs,2,max)+eps ),2,2 )
  locround <- ceiling( cbind( nside*(locs[,1]-lims[1,1])/(lims[1,2]-lims[1,1]),
                              nside*(locs[,2]-lims[2,1])/(lims[2,2]-lims[2,1]) ) )

  # put the indices in indcube
  for(j in 1:n){
    inds <- locround[j,]
    k <- which( indcube[inds[1],inds[2],] == 0 )[1]
    indcube[inds[1],inds[2],k] <- j

  remainingcube <- indcube
  usedcube <- array(0,dim(indcube))

  # define grid locations and order the grid boxes
  gridlocs <- simulateGrid(c(nside,nside),0.01)
  if( nside*nside > 500 ){ # if the number of grid boxes is very large
    # use the function recursively to order them
    gridorder <- orderMaxMinLocal(gridlocs)
  } else {
    # use the quadratic algorithm to order grid boxes
    gridorder <- orderMaxMinFast(gridlocs,20) }

  k <- 1
  totalnumused <- 0
  orderinds <- rep(0,n)
  while( totalnumused < n ){

    # kmod tells us which grid box we are using
    # in this iteration
    kmod <- ((k-1) %% (nside*nside) ) + 1
    gridind <- gridorder[kmod]

    # grid box in (i,j) coordinates
    # used to define and grab neighboring grid boxes
    i1 <- ( (gridind-1) %% nside ) + 1
    i2 <- ceiling( gridind/nside )

    # locations that haven't been selected yet in current grid box
    rem <- remainingcube[i1,i2,remainingcube[i1,i2,] != 0]

    # already selected locations in neighboring boxes
    # we want the next one to be as far as possible from these
    used0 <- c(usedcube[max(1,i1-1):min(nside,i1+1),max(1,i2-1):min(nside,i2+1),])
    used <- used0[used0 != 0]

    if( length(rem) > 0 ){

      if(length(used) > 0){

        # figure out which remaining point (in 'rem') has maximum minimum
        # distance to the already selected points (in 'used')
        distmat <- cdist(locs[rem,,drop=FALSE],locs[used,,drop=FALSE])
        #mindist <- apply(distmat,1,min)  # too slow
        mindist <- rowMins(distmat)
        whichind <- which( mindist == max(mindist) )[1]
        nextind <- rem[whichind]

      } else {

        nextind <- rem[1]


      # update the counter and the ordering vector
      totalnumused <- totalnumused+1
      orderinds[totalnumused] <- nextind

      # update the set of already selected points
      repind <- which(usedcube[i1,i2,] == 0)[1]
      usedcube[i1,i2,repind] <- nextind

      # make sure the selected point is no longer a remaining point
      repind <- which(remainingcube[i1,i2,] == nextind)
      remainingcube[i1,i2,repind] = 0


    # move to the next grid box
    k <- k+1


orderMaxMinFast <- function( locs, numpropose ){

  n <- nrow(locs)
  d <- ncol(locs)
  remaininginds <- 1:n
  orderinds <- rep(0L,n)
  # pick a center point
  mp <- matrix(colMeans(locs),1,d)
  distmp <- cdist(locs,mp)
  ordermp <- order(distmp)
  orderinds[1] = ordermp[1]
  remaininginds <- remaininginds[remaininginds!=orderinds[1]]
  for( j in 2:(n-1) ){
    randinds <- sample(remaininginds,min(numpropose,length(remaininginds)))
    distarray <-  cdist(locs[orderinds[1:j-1],,drop=FALSE],locs[randinds,,drop=FALSE])
    bestind <- which(colMins(distarray) ==  max( colMins( distarray ) ))
    orderinds[j] <- randinds[bestind[1]]
    remaininginds <- remaininginds[remaininginds!=orderinds[j]]
  orderinds[n] <- remaininginds

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