
Defines functions rpg.gamma rpg.devroye rpg.alt rpg.sp rpg

Documented in rpg rpg.alt rpg.devroye rpg.gamma rpg.sp

# (C) Nicholas Polson, James Scott, Jesse Windle, 2012-2019

# This file is part of BayesLogit.

# BayesLogit is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.

# BayesLogit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# BayesLogit.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

                               ## POLYAGAMMA ##

## Draw PG(h, z)
rpg.gamma <- function(num=1, h=1, z=0.0, trunc=200)
    ## Check Parameters.
    if (sum(h<0)!=0) {
        stop("rpg.gamma: h must be greater than zero.");
    if (trunc < 1) {
        stop("rpg.gamma: xtrunc must be > 0.");

    x = rep(0, num);

    if (length(h) != num) { h = array(h, num); }
    if (length(z) != num) { z = array(z, num); }

    OUT = .C("rpg_gamma", x, h, z, as.integer(num), as.integer(trunc), PACKAGE="BayesLogit");


## Draw PG(n, z) where n is a natural number.
rpg.devroye <- function(num=1, h=1, z=0.0)
    n = h
    ## Check Parameters.
    if (any(n<0)) {
      stop("rpg.devroye: h must be greater than zero.");

    x = rep(0, num);

    if (length(n) != num) { n = array(n, num); }
    if (length(z) != num) { z = array(z, num); }

    OUT = .C("rpg_devroye", x, as.integer(n), z, as.integer(num), PACKAGE="BayesLogit");


## Draw PG(h, z) where h is \geq 1.
rpg.alt <- function(num=1, h=1, z=0.0)
    ## Check Parameters.
    if (any(h<1)) {
      stop("rpg.alt: h must be >= 1.");

    x = rep(0, num);

    if (length(h) != num) { h = array(h, num); }
    if (length(z) != num) { z = array(z, num); }

    OUT = .C("rpg_alt", x, h, z, as.integer(num), PACKAGE="BayesLogit");


## Draw PG(h, z) using SP approx where h is \geq 1.
rpg.sp <- function(num=1, h=1, z=0.0)
    ## Check Parameters.
    if (any(h<1)) {
      stop("rpg.sp: h must be >= 1.");

    x = rep(0, num);
    iter = rep(0, num);

    if (length(h) != num) { h = array(h, num); }
    if (length(z) != num) { z = array(z, num); }

    ## Faster if we do not track iter.
    OUT = .C("rpg_sp", x, h, z, as.integer(num), as.integer(iter), PACKAGE="BayesLogit");

    ## ## Tracking total iterations
    ## out = list() 
    ## if (!track.iter)
    ##   out = OUT[[1]]
    ## else
    ##   out = list(samp=OUT[[1]], iter=OUT[[5]])
    ## out


## Draw PG(n, z)
rpg <- function(num=1, h=1, z=0.0)
    ## Check Parameters.
    if (any(h<=0)) {
      stop("rpg: h must be > 0.");

    x = rep(0, num);

    if (length(h) != num) { h = array(h, num); }
    if (length(z) != num) { z = array(z, num); }

    ## Faster if we do not track iter.
    OUT = .C("rpg_hybrid", x, h, z, as.integer(num), PACKAGE="BayesLogit");



## ################################################################################
##                                  ## Utility ##
## ################################################################################

## ## Check parameters to prevent an obvious error.
## ##------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## check.parameters <- function(y, n, m0, P0, R.X, C.X, samp, burn)
## {
##     ok = rep(TRUE, 8);
##     ok[1] = all(y >= 0);
##     ok[2] = all(n > 0);
##     ok[3] = C.X==nrow(P0);
##     ok[4] = C.X==ncol(P0);
##     ok[5] = (length(y) == length(n) && length(y) == R.X);
##     ok[6] = C.X==length(m0);
##     ok[7] = (samp > 0);
##     ok[8] = (burn >=0);
##     ok[9] = all(y <= 1);

##     if (!ok[1]) print("y must be >= 0.");
##     if (!ok[9]) print("y is a proportion; it must be <= 1.");
##     if (!ok[2]) print("n must be > 0.");
##     if (!ok[3]) print(paste("col(X) != row(P0)", C.X, nrow(P0)));
##     if (!ok[4]) print(paste("col(X) != col(P0)", C.X, ncol(P0)));
##     if (!ok[5]) print(paste("Dimensions do not conform for y, X, and n.",
##                             "len(y) =", length(y),
##                             "dim(x) =", R.X, C.X,
##                             "len(n) =", length(n)));
##     if (!ok[6]) print(paste("col(X) != length(m0)", C.X, length(m0)));
##     if (!ok[7]) print("samp must be > 0.");
##     if (!ok[8]) print("burn must be >=0.");

##     ok = all(ok)
## }

## ## Combine
## ##------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## logit.combine <- function(y, X, n=rep(1,length(y)))
## {
##     X = as.matrix(X);

##     N = dim(X)[1];
##     P = dim(X)[2];

##     m0 = matrix(0, nrow=P);
##     P0 = matrix(0, nrow=P, ncol=P);
##     ok = check.parameters(y, n, m0, P0, N, P, 1, 0);
##     if (!ok) return(-1);

##     ## Our combine_data function, written in C, uses t(X).
##     tX = t(X);

##     OUT = .C("combine",
##              as.double(y), as.double(tX), as.double(n),
##              as.integer(N), as.integer(P),
##              PACKAGE="BayesLogit");

##     N = OUT[[4]];

##     y  = array(as.numeric(OUT[[1]]), dim=c(N));
##     tX = array(as.numeric(OUT[[2]]), dim=c(P, N));
##     n  = array(as.numeric(OUT[[3]]), dim=c(N));

##     list("y"=as.numeric(y), "X"=t(tX), "n"=as.numeric(n));
## }

## ################################################################################
##                            ## POSTERIOR INFERENCE ##
## ################################################################################

## ## Posterior by Gibbs
## ##------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## logit <- function(y, X, n=rep(1,length(y)),
##                   m0=rep(0, ncol(X)), P0=matrix(0, nrow=ncol(X), ncol=ncol(X)),
##                   samp=1000, burn=500)
## {
##     ## In the event X is one dimensional.
##     X = as.matrix(X);

##     ## Combine data.  We do this so that the auxiliary variable matches the
##     ## data.
##     new.data = logit.combine(y, X, n);
##     y = new.data$y;
##     X = new.data$X;
##     n = new.data$n;

##     ## Check that the data and priors are okay.
##     N = dim(X)[1];
##     P = dim(X)[2];

##     ok = check.parameters(y, n, m0, P0, N, P, samp, burn);
##     if (!ok) return(-1)

##     ## Initialize output.
##     output = list();

##     ## w    = array(known.w, dim=c(N, samp));
##     ## beta = array(known.beta, dim=c(P  , samp));
##     w    = array(0.0, dim=c(N, samp));
##     beta = array(0.0, dim=c(P  , samp));

##     ## Our Logit function, written in C, uses t(X).
##     tX = t(X);

##     OUT <- .C("gibbs",
##               w, beta,
##               as.double(y), as.double(tX), as.double(n),
##               as.double(m0), as.double(P0),
##               as.integer(N), as.integer(P),
##               as.integer(samp), as.integer(burn),
##               PACKAGE="BayesLogit");

##     N = OUT[[8]];

##     tempw = array( as.numeric(OUT[[1]]), dim=c(N, samp) );

##     output = list("w"=t(tempw), "beta"=t(OUT[[2]]), "y"=y, "X"=X, "n"=n);

##     output
## }

## ## Posterior mode by EM
## ##------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## logit.EM <- function(y, X, n=rep(1, length(y)),
##                      tol=1e-9, max.iter=100)
## {

##     ## In the event X is one dimensional.
##     X = as.matrix(X);

##     ## Combine data.  May speed things up.
##     new.data = logit.combine(y, X, n);
##     y = new.data$y;
##     X = new.data$X;
##     n = new.data$n;

##     ## Check that the data and priors are okay.
##     N = dim(X)[1];
##     P = dim(X)[2];

##     m0 = matrix(0, nrow=P);
##     P0 = matrix(0, nrow=P, ncol=P);

##     ok = check.parameters(y, n, m0, P0, N, P, 1, 0);
##     if (!ok) return(-1);

##     ## Initialize output.
##     beta = array(0, P);

##     ## Our Logit function, written in C, uses t(X).
##     tX = t(X);

##     OUT = .C("EM",
##              beta,
##              as.double(y), as.double(tX), as.double(n),
##              as.integer(N), as.integer(P),
##              as.double(tol), as.integer(max.iter),
##              PACKAGE="BayesLogit");

##     list("beta"=OUT[[1]], "iter"=OUT[[8]]);
## }

## ################################################################################
##                              ## Multinomial Case ##
## ################################################################################

## ## Check parameters to prevent an obvious error.
## ##------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## mult.check.parameters <- function(y, X, n, m.0, P.0, samp, burn)
## {
##     ok = rep(TRUE, 6);
##     ok[1] = all(y >= 0);
##     ok[2] = all(n > 0);
##     ok[3] = (nrow(y) == length(n) && nrow(y) == nrow(X));
##     ok[4] = (samp > 0);
##     ok[5] = (burn >=0);
##     ok[6] = all(rowSums(y) <= 1);
##     ok[7] = (ncol(y)==ncol(m.0) && ncol(X)==nrow(m.0));
##     ok[8] = (ncol(X)==dim(P.0)[1] && ncol(X)==dim(P.0)[2] && ncol(y)==dim(P.0)[3]);

##     if (!ok[1]) print("y must be >= 0.");
##     if (!ok[6]) print("y[i,] are proportions and must sum <= 1.");
##     if (!ok[2]) print("n must be > 0.");
##     if (!ok[3]) print(paste("Dimensions do not conform for y, X, and n.",
##                             "dim(y) =", nrow(y), ncol(y),
##                             "dim(x) =", nrow(X), ncol(X),
##                             "len(n) =", length(n)));
##     if (!ok[4]) print("samp must be > 0.");
##     if (!ok[5]) print("burn must be >=0.");
##     if (!ok[7]) print("m.0 does not conform.");
##     if (!ok[8]) print("P.0 does not conform.");

##     ok = all(ok)
## }

## ## Combine for multinomial logit.
## ##------------------------------------------------------------------------------

## mlogit.combine <- function(y, X, n=rep(1,nrow(as.matrix(y))))
## {
##     X = as.matrix(X);
##     y = as.matrix(y);
##     N = dim(X)[1];
##     P = dim(X)[2];
##     J = dim(y)[2]+1;

##     m.0=array(0, dim=c(ncol(X), ncol(y)));
##     P.0=array(0, dim=c(ncol(X), ncol(X), ncol(y)));
##     ok = mult.check.parameters(y, X, n, m.0, P.0, 1, 0);
##     if (!ok) return(NA);

##     ## Our combine_data function, written in C, uses t(X), t(y).
##     ty = t(y);
##     tX = t(X);

##     OUT = .C("mult_combine",
##              as.double(ty), as.double(tX), as.double(n),
##              as.integer(N), as.integer(P), as.integer(J),
##              PACKAGE="BayesLogit");

##     N = OUT[[4]];

##     ty = array(as.numeric(OUT[[1]]), dim=c(J-1, N));
##     tX = array(as.numeric(OUT[[2]]), dim=c(P, N));
##     n  = array(as.numeric(OUT[[3]]), dim=c(N));

##     list("y"=t(ty), "X"=t(tX), "n"=as.numeric(n));
## }

## ## Posterior for multinomial logistic regression
## ##------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## mlogit <- function(y, X, n=rep(1,nrow(as.matrix(y))),
##                    m.0=array(0, dim=c(ncol(X), ncol(y))),
##                    P.0=array(0, dim=c(ncol(X), ncol(X), ncol(y))),
##                    samp=1000, burn=500)
## {
##     ## In the event y or X is one dimensional.
##     X = as.matrix(X);
##     y = as.matrix(y);

##     ## Combine data.  We do this so that the auxiliary variable matches the
##     ## data.
##     new.data = mlogit.combine(y, X, n);
##     if (!is.list(new.data)) return(NA);
##     y = new.data$y;
##     X = new.data$X;
##     n = new.data$n;

##     N = dim(X)[1];
##     P = dim(X)[2];
##     J = dim(y)[2]+1;

##     ## Check that the data and priors are okay.
##     ok = mult.check.parameters(y, X, n, m.0, P.0, samp, burn);
##     if (!ok) return(NA)

##     ## Initialize output.
##     output = list();

##     ## w    = array(known.w, dim=c(N, samp));
##     ## beta = array(known.beta, dim=c(P  , samp));
##     w    = array(0.0, dim=c(N, J-1, samp));
##     beta = array(0.0, dim=c(P, J-1, samp));

##     ## Our Logit function, written in C, uses t(X), t(y).
##     tX = t(X);
##     ty = t(y);

##     OUT = .C("mult_gibbs",
##              w, beta,
##              as.double(ty), as.double(tX), as.double(n),
##              as.double(m.0), as.double(P.0),
##              as.integer(N), as.integer(P), as.integer(J),
##              as.integer(samp), as.integer(burn),
##              PACKAGE="BayesLogit");

##     N = OUT[[8]];

##     ## Transpose for standard output.
##     w    = array(0, dim=c(samp, N, J-1));
##     beta = array(0, dim=c(samp, P, J-1));
##     for (i in 1:samp) {
##       w[i,,]    = OUT[[1]][,,i]
##       beta[i,,] = OUT[[2]][,,i]
##     }
##     output = list("w"=w, "beta"=beta, "y"=y, "X"=X, "n"=n);

##     output
## }

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